Virgo New Moon: The Centaur & the Light Bringer.

"Lucifer" by William Blake.

“Lucifer” by William Blake.

Asteroid Lucifer has been moving in a tight conjunction with Chiron (within a 3-degree orb) since mid-July. In the new moon chart on Friday 15th September, the pair continue to form an alliance within a 1-degree orb. Though Lucifer is much faster moving, Chiron has been in retrograde since the last week of July and will remain retrograde until the end of December this year. Lucifer is now also retrograde meaning that the degrees from 15- 19 Aries are getting a real “working”.

What could happen under a Chiron Lucifer conjunction?

When the Centaur, the wounded healer, the one who moves between the socially conventional world, and the outer realms meets with the fallen angel, or Light Bringer-depending on your perspective- there’s going to be an element of liberation, or at least a fight to claim it. In the sign of Aries, the “I am”, epitome of self-hood, the need for self-assertion and the action required to initiate self-will is amplified.

Whichever area of life this “working” is taking place for you will be seen by the Aries house in your chart. For me personally this activity has been taking place on my MC (public/career house) at 19 Aries; this manifests in a refusal to give my time and energy in work where I am undervalued or where there is a sense of imbalance such as working for very little, being taken advantage of in the work place, or wasting my skills and gifts in non- nourishing or negative environments. I’m not alone in this… people are becoming less likely to hand over their precious energy to rubbish jobs in toxic environments, working for the glory of others while they remain depleted and unrealised.

Enter Lucifer. Lucifer realises that God- read “God” how you will- is within and so refuses to be subservient to an outer authority. True, this can be to his detriment as he is thrown out of heaven on his ear. However, it is then that the journey of weaving the dark and light, the conscious and the unconscious begins toward a state of wholeness, independence, and finally finding that indeed God is within.

Lucifer can show us our true self and give us the confidence to bravely express it.

Do we fear our greatness?

Chiron’s part in the mix – especially in Aries- is to expose the wounds of the self. Early imprinting received in childhood, or even in-utero, as well as ancestral baggage that has destructively influenced our sense of self may now be exposed in Lucifer’s light. This is an opportunity to take back our power and redeem ourselves from toxic binds and initiate our own liberation.

A good question to ask as this time is- what are the bonds that tie me in self negating ways and what old patterns and conditioning am I allowing to run my life even while they have out lived their purpose?

Say for example the Chiron Lucifer combo is activated in your 7th house of partnership, it may now be possible to cut from unsuitable partners to whom we have given power to. This is a chance to detach from destructive bonds and undermining relational patterns. In the fifth house, it may to be to claim our creativity regardless of the negative messaging we received in earlier life.

In some way, either large or small, the invitation now is to cut the cords that have entangled us in enmeshed, and self-denying cultures and relationships.

With the Sun and Moon in Virgo there is extra help to cut the wheat from the chaff and become more self-regulating and self-contained.

Lucifer, as Morning Star, has obvious parallels with Venus, who, having embarked on her newly rebirthed Morning Star journey is a powerful ally in helping us to detach from old oppressive ways… now that we have realised what lies beneath in underworld of our psyche (at least partially).

Though society, and possibly friends and family, may try to tell us that this self-focused attitude is selfish, Lucifer spurs us on to unashamed self-hood. There is such as thing as “positive narcissism”- it spills over into negative narcissism when our shadow remains unacknowledged. Chiron can help with shadow work.

The caution is to be careful that our ego doesn’t become over-inflated or that through pride and hubris we are cast further from our inner light and God within.

Asteroid Lucifer was discovered by Elizabeth Roemer on October 29, 1964. To find Lucifer in your chart the number is 1930. If you would like a more detailed analysis, I am available for astrology sessions and personal myth-making explorations.

Fallen Angel

Image of Sinead O'Conner by Albert Watson, NY, 1992.

Image of Sinead O’Conner by Albert Watson, NY, 1992.

I’ve been exploring asteroid Lucifer in charts where the placement in strong. When looking at Sinead O’Conner’s chart I saw that Lucifer is in an exact conjunction with Uranus at 24 ° Virgo. That is a double whammy of Promethean-like boldness… verging on hubris.

The image of her standing on that stage ripping up the image of Pope John Paul II shows beautifully her Uranus Luciferian renegade soul. The conjunction is in her 9th House in Virgo which intensifies the vibration even further- the 9th house, place of spirituality and religious beliefs in Virgo, the Virgin, She who is whole unto herself.

On the night in question, Jupiter was conjunct her Lucifer/Uranus conjunction amplifying the energy to levels that may have been too much for a mortal soul to handle. It was a thoroughly archetypal event. Although I am not sure Sinead regretted what she did, later in a public statement she said she shouldn’t have done it.

In moments like this it does seem as if one person who is made from exactly the right ingredients performs an act of the gods. While they themselves are punished, like Prometheus they bring back fire, so that the rest of us can see in the dark.

This image was taken by Albert Watson in the same city where the Pope incident happened and in the same year… not sure if it was taken before or after.

Jung the Light Bringer

Painting- "The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847.

Painting- “The Fallen Angel” by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847.

“The Lucifer legend is in no sense an absurd fairytale; like the story of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, it is a “therapeutic” myth. We naturally boggle at the thought that good and evil are both contained in God, and we think God could not possibly want such a thing” (Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 291).

On this day in 1875, Carl Gustav Jung, founder of analytical psychology was born.

In 1913, at the age of thirty-eight, Jung experienced a “confrontation with the unconscious” in which he became concerned that he was experiencing psychosis or schizophrenia. Rather than turn from his turbulent inner world he recognised that his dreams and visions were valuable and began to induce what he called “active imagination” a process of recording his dreams, visions, insights, and encounters with the beings of his inner world.

Jung was prepared to pay the price for obtaining consciousness.

In mythology two archetypal figures that obtain consciousness (and are punished) are Lucifer the Light Bringer and Prometheus who stole fire from the gods to give to humans. Chiron is also connected with the myth of Prometheus, renouncing his immortality to set Prometheus free.

All three of these archetypes – Lucifer, Prometheus, and Chiron are involved with the processes of helping bring consciousness to humans, a transgressive act against the gods.

Jung created the term “Wounded Healer” which referred to the analyst who is aware of his or her own wounds in the psychotherapeutic process. Like Chiron, Jung became the master healer whose medicine derived from a deep dive into the wounds of his own soul. Jung a mortal man is -at least culturally speaking- immortalised in the publication of his works which have had a profound effect on the evolution of consciousness and the human psyche.

Jung is also a Promethean-like figure stealing fire, illumination, from the gods… particularly Pluto who rules Hades which from a psychological perspective is the unconscious.

Transgressive against the prevailing Christian doctrine of his time Jung questioned the eternal truth of Christianity, writing in 1946,

“Their [the Christian churches] truth may, with more right than we realize, call itself “eternal”, but its temporal garment must pay tribute to the evanescence of all earthly things, and should take account of psychic changes. Eternal truth needs a human language which alters with the spirit of the times. The primordial images [the archetypes themselves] undergo ceaseless transformation and yet remain ever the same, but only in new form can they be understood anew. Always they require a new interpretation if, as each formulation becomes obsolete, they are not to lose their spellbinding power” (Jung, 1946, “The Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity”, C.W. 16, para. 396).

For Jung individuation, the act of becoming an individual, is a spiritual path and the human is “no more than the stable in which the Lord is born”, meaning that the living Christ is within and that “Christification” may be realised through following the path of individuation.

In his astrology chart Jung has asteroid Lucifer at 9 °Aries conjunct his lunar north node at 11° Aries, and asteroid Prometheus at 29° Aries conjunct Chiron at 26° Aries. Though Chiron, the planetoid, was not discovered until 1977, Jung was an early recipient (pioneer) of Chiron’s influence paving the way for the explosion of mind-body-spirit healing and wisdom that birthed in the collective psyche some 15 years after his death.

Also in Jung’s chart is a Yod, involving a quincunx between Pluto and Jupiter, and Pluto and Mars, and a sextile between Jupiter and Mars. With the apex of the Yod pointing to Pluto at 23° Taurus in the third house we see that Jung was on a mission to transform the mercurial mind in terms of what it was capable of grasping and communicating through the unconscious.

Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse: An Intuitive and Personal Enquiry

in lumine tuo videbimus lumen

“In your light we see the light.”

Mario Rapisardi -Lucifer

Mario Rapisardi -Lucifer

A Moon Uranus conjunction can feel unsettling; the outer planet of awakening and liberation dislodges us from our habituated emotional patterns- patterns that may have been installed in us from birth. The Moon also relates to the unconscious mind and points to beliefs and perceptions that have developed as a result of these patterns. It goes without saying that these thought processes have to an extent been conditioned and passed down through our ancestral lines.

We like what we like and do what we do until our consciousness demands expansion and we learn to release learned ways of being- ways that once protected but now stifle and cause suffering. Uranus’ electric lightning bolts send currents of energy through our system jolting outmoded and stagnant habits while facilitating new processes – not always comfortable!

The danger here is that we become dislodged from our earthly and embodied connection, the soil from which we are born and the kinship in which we were raised. Under this influence we can eastly become the maverick, the radical, or the lone wolf crusading for a cause or a freedom at the cost of our common humanity and need for earthly connection.

On this full moon, Uranus is making its final square with Saturn, lord of time, karma, and physical and social laws. This transit can bring unexpected changes that have not been asked for, or else cause difficulty in initiating change that we do want. What appears at first to be a restriction however may in the end be a blessing as things are put in place to facilitate our evolution. Saturn is a hard task master but in his tough love we are primed to be responsible, mature adults creating structures and containers that enable our soul’s expression in the world. Saturn and Capricorn are connected to bringing light into the material world, even the darkest places.

The tension I sit with personally on this full moon is how to break free from restrictive patterns and toxic processes inherited from intergenerational trauma, while remaining connected to my ancestral lineage. We incarnate into the families and communities that we do for a reason. How do we make a stance for who we truly are while keeping the love light flowing. Often this tension is so great that we break away from our families of origin in the belief that we can free ourselves, though in doing so we cut ourselves off at the root.

Recently I have been working with people who are walking this line in a bid to heal their deepest wounds. Words like “entity “and “curse” are not out of place in a shamanic session. While that could sound a bit scary, opening the space for deeper enquiry into the origins of these experiences sheds much light. We cannot kill our demons it seems; instead allowing them to lead us back to the tender root of dislocation is where the soul weaving happens.

In this full moon chart, there is an aspect pattern known as a Lucifer Rectangle which is a Mystic Rectangle occurring in the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, and Scorpio.

  • Sun 16° Scorpio
  • Ceres 16° Virgo
  • Moon/Uranus 16° Taurus
  • Nessus 13° Pisces. Neptune 22° Pisces

With the planets and asteroids involved I feel the potential of this lunar eclipse is healing the ancestral, and in particular mother line. Breaking free from binding negative emotional and lunar influences offers the ability for re-parenting, or re-mothering, accommodating our unique spiritual selves and still allowing for social and kindred acceptance. How do we show up in our families and communities as we truly are on a soul level.

I see this as a time to reclaim the dimensions of power and light that exist on the levels of soul and spirit that want to be channelled through the physical plane.

Lucifer may be the adversary or the Light Bringer. In freeing himself according to his own nature and spiritual essence he transgresses the family unit (in his case, God the father and the holy family). He dares to break free and in so doing becomes a light in the dark. In Christian mythology, anchored in duality, Lucifer is seen as the bad guy who disobeyed God- though he may also be the redeemer. Uranus and Lucifer are on the same team- both are interested in your awakening and liberation… though the old God Saturn must be paid his dues.

One final comment about the full moon chart is that asteroid Lucifer is conjunct Pholus in early Capricorn which I feel speaks to the human family soul, light, or medicine having been thwarted throughout the generations; Capricorn is involved in the processes of light descending into the physical world. In the people I work with we often find that once the family wound has been recognised and the “entity” has been seen for what it is, the light of the line can shine through.

During, and in the aftermath of this lunar eclipse we have an opportunity to quieten the overplayed tape recording of outmoded patterns, beliefs and stories and open ourselves to receive our light, facilitated by Uranus… just remember to stay grounded and connected.

I am available for astrology consultations exploring these dynamics in your chart. I am also available for Shamanic healing sessions.