Aquarius Full Moon: A New Dance
The August super blue moon chart shows a powerful conjunction involving dwarf planets Ceres; Ixion; and Quaoar, and asteroid Pholus which are all in Capricorn
The August super blue moon chart shows a powerful conjunction involving dwarf planets Ceres; Ixion; and Quaoar, and asteroid Pholus which are all in Capricorn
With the spotlight on Venus and Mars over the next month or so, today’s musings turn to sexuality and the Prima Materia of romantic relationship
I have recently been working with Vesta both the asteroid in astrology charts and the mythology. One of the most fascinating things about Vesta- and
What if I told you that the New Moon solar eclipse happening this Thursday, 10th June is an opportunity for personal and collective soul retrieval?
“My Body My Choice” this slogan was seen on many banners at the “Freedom for Choice” demonstration in London yesterday- 24th April. There was very
In recent years I have been inspired toward purging and purification in the month of February; on a physical level as the energy in my
In yesterday’s full moon in Libra, Venus-the natural ruler of Libra-was at 3 degrees Gemini conjunct asteroid Vesta at 6 degrees Gemini. In the chart