Dark Moon Lilith & the Reintegration of the Lost Feminine.
Who or what is Dark Moon Lilith and what can be gleaned from exploring this point in our natal chart? On the New Moon last
Who or what is Dark Moon Lilith and what can be gleaned from exploring this point in our natal chart? On the New Moon last
Astro-Mythic Musing on Friday’s New Moon at 14 Cancer 28’, 23.57 BST. Waldemath Lilith is at 9 Gemini 45’ conjunct Jupiter at 9 Gemini 17′
The full Moon on Friday 12th August at 02.36 GMT at 19 Aquarius 21’ is the final supermoon of the year…the moon whispers her secrets
In Chiron’s cave- well, my version of it at least. Preparing for part 3 of the “Chiron in Aries: Reclaiming the Self in a Time
“My Body My Choice” this slogan was seen on many banners at the “Freedom for Choice” demonstration in London yesterday- 24th April. There was very
The full moon in Leo on Thursday 28th January is dynamic to say the least and is likely to stir some rumblings in the collective