Wilhelm Reich on Cancer, Desertification, and Allopathic Medicine.

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Painting by Alex Grey
Painting by Alex Grey

Wilhelm Reich, 24 March 1897- 3 November 1957 was among the first pioneers of the mind body connection.

In summary Reich believed that the suppression of the self, including libido which he later referred to as orgone, inhibited the free flow of naturally available energy causing cancer and other bio-pathic diseases. This, he maintained, has collective consequences on the socio-political levels.

Reich developed a radical body mind psychology and was arrested for his theories on cancer and the distribution of the orgone generator. He realised that orgone (natural energy) was everywhere present and could not be isolated however he discovered a method to accumulate it.

Reich was a Marxist, and Neo- Freudian but was subsequently rejected by both movements. He questioned allopathic medicine which he believed contained and controlled damage done to the human body by a world capitalist society without questioning that world system. In later years Reich advocated for a love of nature and the entire universe; cathexis (emotional investment) with nature as a pathway to right balance and healing.

Lack of cathexis with others or with nature leads to a contraction which eventually creates what Reich referred to as body armouring. It is the free flow of energy, release of tension, and activation of the para-sympathetic nervous system that promotes well-being and health. Death drives arise when energy is repressed.

When orgone is repressed it leads to a secondary function that promotes violence caused by energy forcing its way through the armouring. This level of suppression leads to fascism. Capitalism inhibits the free flow of energy or orgone by creating artificial scarcity. Terror and fear peddled through media and cultural channels is also prohibitive in the free flow of natural energy.

Reich argues that cancer is caused by compression and a starvation of essential nutrients and oxygens reaching the cells.

Recently I undertook training to become a Celebrant. Much of the training was focused on death an dying; I was fascinated to learn that a cancerous body takes at least two or three times longer to cremate than a non-cancerous body. This is due to the lack of oxygen in the cells. A cancer cell is a poorly breathing cell.

The para-sympathetic nervous system is linked to the immune system and promotes strong immunity.

According to Reich the same conditions that lead to cancer leads to the rise of fascism. He believes that the source of the problem is social and that the cure for cancer is revolution and an abolishment of the capitalist system.

Reich’s theories also had a cosmic element: Just as galaxies spiral in resonance and mutuality, the nature of the human being is also to merge and spiral with the universe and other humans. When this is blocked and mutual spiralling is resisted orgone energy can be infected.

Reich talks about the orgone energy present in water and draws a parallel between the desertification of the planet and emotion deadness in humans.

His books were banned and burned; he was imprisoned in 1956 and died of heart failure whilst incarcerated. The allegations against him were in relation to his theories on cancer and the cross-border supply of the orgone accumulator.

Civil unrest throughout France beginning in May 1968 brought the economy to a halt. The revolt inspired a generation of protesters through, art, song, demonstration, literature, political theory, and radical movements. The Paris group began with a Reichian reading group.

Ultimately Reich rejected allopathic medicine as an enabler of word capitalist systems, the victims of which are treated to fit a system which is detrimental to not only humanity but all of nature and life.

I believe that Reich’s theories deserve at least a fresh airing in the light of recent events.

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