Full moon in Virgo, 9th March at 17.48 GMT.
Chiron conjunct Medusa at 4 degrees of Aries.
Medusa, serpent headed gorgon, monstrous cave dweller on the fringes of the western world… woe betide all who cross her path and catch a glimpse of her snaky unblinking eye. For if she cast her beady eye upon you, you will be turned to stone, forever frozen in her wasteland, a statue of the not quite living and the not quite dead. A tormented soul in stony limbo.
Chiron the centaur, son of Cronus and sea nymph Philyra, suffers his first wound as a baby when his mother upon seeing him is so appalled by his appearance that she rejects him at once.
Chiron is then adopted by Apollo who among other things tutors him in the healing arts.
Chiron’s second wound occurs when he is accidentally pierced by an arrow belonging to Hercules that is dripping with the blood of the Hydra, the many headed serpent whose blood causes a wound that can never heal.
In his suffering, Chiron finally renounces his immortality and swaps places with Prometheus the Titan god who steels fire from the gods to give to humanity. Chiron no longer a god, now a mortal being is thus redeemed from his eternal suffering.
When Chiron and Medusa join forces on the cosmic stage we can be sure that the deepest mysteries of healing and renewal are vibrating through the collective consciousness.
Chiron, half horse half human and Medusa, mortal gorgon with a head full of hissing snakes pulls us through the most heretical and forbidden wormholes to a gnostic understanding of human divinity and transcendence- punishable by death if not handled in right relationship to the gods.
So what might a meeting of these two awesome figures look like and what can it reveal about the available energies on this Virgo supermoon?
Chiron has taken the serpent’s poison into himself and in the process of attempting to transmute the poison he becomes a master healer. Finally renouncing his godly status he trades places with Prometheus, the renegade who steals fire (enlightenment) from the gods to give to humanity. Chiron’s gift therefore is to redeem humanity from darkness by sanctioning and enabling Prometheus’ act which is the gifting of divinity- knowledge of the gods- to humanity.
Chiron’s own journey, a deep diving into the serpent mysteries enables him to learn the secrets of transmutation. His knowledge is the understanding that snake poison can either kill or heal, and while he himself is the ultimate sacrifice, he gifts this gnosis to humanity- spiritual fire that can liberate from the chains of darkness.
Medusa is also a keeper of the serpent wisdom- once Perseus slays off her head, the droplets of blood that fall to the desert floor create life in the form of plants and flowers which shoot up all around. Athena gifts the blood of Medusa to Asclepius the god of healing, she presents this sacred substance in two vials, the blood in the left vial has the power to destroy while the blood in the right vial has the power to heal and even restore life from the clutches of death.
A meeting between Chiron and Medusa such as is happening under this full moon opens the door for us to consider the poison that we carry inside of us- does it destroy us, or can we learn to transmute the poison for our deepest healing? Can we learn the wisdom of “pharmakon” a Greek word that means both “medicine” and “poison”?
We can either let the poison fester inside until it renders us to a state of not quite living and not quite dead before it finally kills us, or like the snake with its regenerative powers of renewal and transformation we can shed our skin in a process of death and rebirth while holding within us the secrets of metamorphosis… and if divinely inspired share these teachings with others.
What is it in us that wants to be unfrozen under this new moon? What old skins are ready to come off? What wounds, hurts, and poisons are we willing to let go of?
To enter into this process we must accept that what we have previously considered to be our wounds, disabilities, paralysis, or limitations are in fact our potential gods. Once we release the energy currently being used to store the poison inside of us, the gateway through which we may find our greatest power opens before us.
The serpent mysteries are involved with integrating duality- to accept that there is light in darkness and there is darkness in light- it is the acceptance or acknowledgement of the shadow and the reclaiming of our energy- sometimes huge amounts of energy- that hold us in the past, frozen like the statues in Medusa’s wasteland.