Virgo New Moon: The Centaur & the Light Bringer.

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"Lucifer" by William Blake.
“Lucifer” by William Blake.

Asteroid Lucifer has been moving in a tight conjunction with Chiron (within a 3-degree orb) since mid-July. In the new moon chart on Friday 15th September, the pair continue to form an alliance within a 1-degree orb. Though Lucifer is much faster moving, Chiron has been in retrograde since the last week of July and will remain retrograde until the end of December this year. Lucifer is now also retrograde meaning that the degrees from 15- 19 Aries are getting a real “working”.

What could happen under a Chiron Lucifer conjunction?

When the Centaur, the wounded healer, the one who moves between the socially conventional world, and the outer realms meets with the fallen angel, or Light Bringer-depending on your perspective- there’s going to be an element of liberation, or at least a fight to claim it. In the sign of Aries, the “I am”, epitome of self-hood, the need for self-assertion and the action required to initiate self-will is amplified.

Whichever area of life this “working” is taking place for you will be seen by the Aries house in your chart. For me personally this activity has been taking place on my MC (public/career house) at 19 Aries; this manifests in a refusal to give my time and energy in work where I am undervalued or where there is a sense of imbalance such as working for very little, being taken advantage of in the work place, or wasting my skills and gifts in non- nourishing or negative environments. I’m not alone in this… people are becoming less likely to hand over their precious energy to rubbish jobs in toxic environments, working for the glory of others while they remain depleted and unrealised.

Enter Lucifer. Lucifer realises that God- read “God” how you will- is within and so refuses to be subservient to an outer authority. True, this can be to his detriment as he is thrown out of heaven on his ear. However, it is then that the journey of weaving the dark and light, the conscious and the unconscious begins toward a state of wholeness, independence, and finally finding that indeed God is within.

Lucifer can show us our true self and give us the confidence to bravely express it.

Do we fear our greatness?

Chiron’s part in the mix – especially in Aries- is to expose the wounds of the self. Early imprinting received in childhood, or even in-utero, as well as ancestral baggage that has destructively influenced our sense of self may now be exposed in Lucifer’s light. This is an opportunity to take back our power and redeem ourselves from toxic binds and initiate our own liberation.

A good question to ask as this time is- what are the bonds that tie me in self negating ways and what old patterns and conditioning am I allowing to run my life even while they have out lived their purpose?

Say for example the Chiron Lucifer combo is activated in your 7th house of partnership, it may now be possible to cut from unsuitable partners to whom we have given power to. This is a chance to detach from destructive bonds and undermining relational patterns. In the fifth house, it may to be to claim our creativity regardless of the negative messaging we received in earlier life.

In some way, either large or small, the invitation now is to cut the cords that have entangled us in enmeshed, and self-denying cultures and relationships.

With the Sun and Moon in Virgo there is extra help to cut the wheat from the chaff and become more self-regulating and self-contained.

Lucifer, as Morning Star, has obvious parallels with Venus, who, having embarked on her newly rebirthed Morning Star journey is a powerful ally in helping us to detach from old oppressive ways… now that we have realised what lies beneath in underworld of our psyche (at least partially).

Though society, and possibly friends and family, may try to tell us that this self-focused attitude is selfish, Lucifer spurs us on to unashamed self-hood. There is such as thing as “positive narcissism”- it spills over into negative narcissism when our shadow remains unacknowledged. Chiron can help with shadow work.

The caution is to be careful that our ego doesn’t become over-inflated or that through pride and hubris we are cast further from our inner light and God within.

Asteroid Lucifer was discovered by Elizabeth Roemer on October 29, 1964. To find Lucifer in your chart the number is 1930. If you would like a more detailed analysis, I am available for astrology sessions and personal myth-making explorations.

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