In yesterday’s full moon in Libra, Venus-the natural ruler of Libra-was at 3 degrees Gemini conjunct asteroid Vesta at 6 degrees Gemini. In the chart the moon lodge women were working with (London), Venus and Vesta were in the 4th house conjunct the IC at 27 degrees Taurus- also ruled by Venus.
An appropriate theme to explore then was Venus & Vesta & the language of love.
Tuning in from our respective homes each woman shared something about the home she currently found herself in for lock-down. For some not much had changed, for others the changes ranged from subtle to significant…I myself moved home just at the beginning of lock-down and so while the home I find myself in is lovely, it is unfamiliar.
Almost all of us had something to say about home. And for me personally with the Libra full moon exactly on my natal moon, I woke up yesterday with a peaceful feeling of being ‘homed’ in myself – a good reminder that home is an inner experience as well as outer.
Venus as an archetype is deeply invested in home and environment- she loves beautiful surroundings, harmonious relationships, good friends, sensuality, and the pleasing things of life. A Venusian type person is thrilled when he or she is among the comforts of the body, the imagination, and the soul. But these pleasures are different for everyone, so we wondered… what is our language of love: what is home to us – who is home to us – and what do we need in order to feel loved, nourished and cared for? Also, how do we love… what is our love style?
This opens up the question of what was home like as a child? Was our budding Venus appreciated and encouraged by those around us or was it offensive and offended? And if she was not able to spread out in her full sensuous glory, can we do it differently now? Are we honouring our Venus?
With Venus in the 4th house issues of home, not only for ourselves, but for others are highlighted. What role are we taking during this unusually intense time at home? Is it more-or-less the same, or have we been asked to step up and care for an elderly parent, a sick partner, or- in the case of many mothers- is our mothering capacity near to breaking point?
Try to honour your Venusian needs- whatever they be- in whatever small ways you can.
Turning to Vesta- the keeper of the hearth and the eternal flame- she raises questions around what our sacred purpose is and what we need to be well enough to see it through. For me right now Vesta is about taking care of my body as well as I can and purifying myself of toxic influences. I’m sure I’m not alone in confessing to spending too much time on-line … even while I try to be mindful and limit it. With an 8th house Vesta placement I am also using this time to do some deep diving into the emotional reality of my relationships.
A daily practice I currently have is to cleanse my physical and subtle body using visualization techniques. None of us really know the effects of electromagnetic pollution and how it impacts the human body. One of the major concerns- and understandably so- at this time is the implementation of 5G, a controversial hot potato that as yet has no agreed upon consensus. It has been speculated (maybe proven) that EMF’s affect the water structure of the human system and other life forms, so good quality water and plenty of it along with visualizations to realign the integrity of our body’s structure is beneficial. As is being in nature as often as possible to discharge EMF pollution.
Above all Vesta is the sacred container through which spirit is expressed, she is the chalice that is able to receive, hold, and distribute spiritual light.
Together with Venus who ultimately embodies and expresses qualities such as grace, receptivity, and sensuality, this feminine duo in Gemini this lunar cycle is engaging our intellect to establish what we need to nurture ourselves and others over the next couple of weeks, and how to implement it. Venus and Vesta in Gemini connects mind-body-spirit.
If you feel drawn to explore how Venus & Vesta move in your life, I am available for on-line astrology consultations.
This Post Has One Comment
I loved this post Karen, especially as home has such resonance at the moment. It’s full of your usual insight and wisdom. Stay well.