Since the Venus Star point on 8th January, I have been aware of a strong feminine energy guiding us into 2022. The Venus Star Point is when Venus makes a conjunction with the Sun before continuing her journey of transformation, currently from Evening Star to Morning Star. This event is also poetically referred to as ‘Venus kissing the Sun’ and heralds the rebirth of a new Venus Cycle. It could also be said that in her union with the Sun Venus has been cleansed of any obscuration so that she shines in the full light of consciousness.
Venus retrogrades every 18 months and works in 8-year cycles, that is she contacts the same zodiacal constellations, near the same point every eight years. Whatever has surfaced for you this time may well be an echo chamber of a previous dynamic from January 2014, and further back to 2006, and so on when the same or close points of Capricorn were activated
During her retrograde phase lasting around 40 days, we get an opportunity to reflect on how Venus moves in our life. Venus expresses the principle of Eros, how we relate to others particularly in the sphere of intimate relationships, but she is also involved with money, pleasure, and value, including and perhaps most importantly self value. A magnetic force who is often depicted holding a mirror, Venus reminds us that what we attract in our lives is essentially created by an inner vibration that we project into the world. Venus retrograde allows us to take a candid look at all we have attracted and manifested into our lives and consider if some internal cleansing is needed.
Often these inner vibrations operate beneath the veil of consciousness and are influenced by forces in our subconscious and unconscious mind. We are unaware of the internal drivers that compel us to repeat the same pattern over and over again even while consciously we may realize how detrimental or destructive they are. The distortions of the feminine flows back through the millennia and as many of us are discovering, to bring these things to light often involves an uncomfortable journey through a glass darky both in our personal lives and in the wider structures of a world.
The work of removing obfuscations and cleaning our windows to allow for connection to Source rather than a false matrix is essential work of our time.
Reviewing all things related to economics and finances makes sense when Venus is in Saturn ruled Capricorn, but it is complex and muti layered and raises questions around how feminine energy is valued or not in our post capitalist patriarchal culture where the onus is on accumulation with little regard for reciprocity. This plays out on the individual level in gender-based income discrepancies as well as female work being taken for granted and therefore often unpaid and undervalued. How women- and the more archetypal feminine principle- has faired under the auspices of patriarchy is a topic that will need to be thoroughly dissected, reviewed, and renewed if we are to bring to light the shadowy aspects of society. Sex, money, power, prostitution, pornography, harvesting of feminine energy, abusive dynamics, and economic disempowerment are all territories to be confronted when taking stock of the balance of power.
The mirrors and windows of Venus have become dimmed presenting distorted reflections of the true meaning and value of feminine energy.
How wealth is and has been accumulated demands the clear light of Venus as Morning Star, this is Venus in her warrior aspect who has transformed from the alluring and seductive woman whose role (has become) to please and arouse, into the solar feminine power capable of bringing such things to light. Wealth that has been amassed by plunder of the Earth’s natural resources, the enslavement of human beings, trickery, or any means of enforcing power over are to be reckoned with as people wake up and question dominant narratives that have been given god like authority in the absence of true spiritual connection and a spiritualized Earth.
How we earn money, what we feel we must do in order to find a comfortable home on planet Earth, to exist, to survive, to thrive, these are all questions to consider when Venus is retrograde in Capricorn. When addressing money, the question of integrity is never far behind, not if we are willing to live an authentic life taking responsibility for how we operate in the material world both in relation to other beings and our earthly home. A well-functioning, unobscured, Venus in her uncorrupted essence is an excellent guide in these matters.
This blog is inspired by a dream I had where I was shown the undercurrents operating in my own energy field specifically in relation to money, power, my relationships with men, and also with my family of origin.
I am available for astrology consultations exploring Venus and other feminine signatures in your chart.