Venus Retrograde 2023: This Time We Remember.

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Painting: Mnemosyne, also known as Lamp of Memory or Ricordanza by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (c. 1876 to 1881).
Painting: Mnemosyne, also known as Lamp of Memory or Ricordanza by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (c. 1876 to 1881).

As Venus sets out in her direct motion as the glorious Morning Star, She leaves in her wake lessons, reflections, and insights from Her tryst with the Sun. Venus retrograde can be a time of purification, removal of obscurations, a renewal, or a rebirth… something is reset. These shifts can be so subtle as to be almost imperceptible to all but the most ardent Astro-tracker, and they can also be profound, hitting us like a gusty wave from the foamy sea.

Venus retrograde may be felt on many levels depending on our natal Venus, transiting Venus’ place in our natal chart, and a host of other Astro-strata. For example, for me, this Venus retrograde was the first since my Chiron return and I was super aware of the relationship between Chiron (wound/gift) and obscurations of Venus- I think of Venus like a window, or a mirror, between our soul and the world…Venus retrograde is like having the windows cleaned.

On the August full moon, which was also a super moon, Venus was in an exact conjunction with Mnemosyne, Mother of the 9 Muses, goddess of memory and remembrance, and the inventress of language and words. Mnemosyne is also a goddess of time. In mythology Venus and Mnemosyne are technically half-sisters sharing the same father- Uranus. Mnemosyne’s mother was the earth goddess Gaia, and while Venus has no origin myth other than being formed by the foam created by Uranus’ severed genitals, poetically speaking Her mother is the sea.

The conjunction of Venus and Mnemosyne then, under the bright light of the super moon, just as Venus was finishing her time in the underworld, speaks of memories, dreams, and reflections.

The beautiful expression of the soul can be charted in the sacred geometry of Venus as she forms a rose, or five petalled flower in the cosmic spheres. Venus is retrograde in the same sign every 8 years providing a thread to follow our life narrative and soul’s unfolding.

The conjunction of Venus and Mnemosyne inspires the watery depths to take root through the pathways of the imaginal. It is a reminder of our essential nature free from the layers of grime that smear the windows of our soul, and an opportunity to let go of what has been dimming our light, self- value, pleasure, art, joy, creativity, and inspiration. With the conjunction in Leo a playful and exuberant burst of love can also rise in the heart.

Venus retrograde realisations may be in connection with romantic partnerships and old self-defeating patterns of sabotage that have finally had their day, or else insights around money, value and worth. It could be that we realise the value of the creative currents that moves through us wanting to be expressed in the material world as art or music. Venus provides the inspiration while Mnemosyne helps ground it…She generously offers us the gifts of her daughters, the Muses, to help us on our way.

On a deeper level, the remembrance may have initiated a shirking of old ancestral baggage and karma that has weighed heavy on our heart and soul hindering our awakening and creating a barrier to love.

Insights come and go, sometimes we are gifted a glimmer, an image, or a vision from the imaginal realms that disappear in a puff of smoke… and sometimes we catch them.

If you received insights, revelations, or even a cellular reset this Venus retrograde phase, or if you clearly saw the obscurations that have been eclipsing your heart and soul, and know it is time to lay them to rest once and for all, I suggest you consign this vision to memory by writing it, singing it, ritualising it, dancing it, or creating a poem.

Choose your Muse!

Want to work with me on this?

I am available for astrology-based explorations, mentoring and guidance in how to work with your chart, the archetypes, and personal mythologies.

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