Venus’ Ingress into Leo: From the Temple of the Heart All Are Warmed By the Sun.

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Venus enters leoThe full Moon in Aquarius, Venus’ Ingress into Leo, and the Assumption of Mary all occur over a few days (now). It is a time when solar feminine power is expressed. This multi- event opens a portal, an invitation to connect with our inner light generated from the celestial Sun.

Symbolically Venus in Leo energy is contained within the myth of the goddess Cybele who is known as the Magna Mater “Great Mother”.

Ishtar is also associated with the Lion; the entrance of Ishtar’s Gate, adorned with ornate lions and bordered with rosettes symbolise Her role as a fertility goddess.

Fertility as it relates to solar energy has a different quality than lunar energy- it is a conscious force. In the same way, Venus as Morning Star has a different expression than Venus as Evening Star.

Venus in Leo is the generative active feminine who dons her golden crown from which rays of illumination and love shine upon all who come in contact with her.

This is the feminine who in herself is a generating power no longer only reflecting the light of the Sun as a lunar consort but instead claiming and embodying it as her own authority.

In its positive polarity Leo is transmitted through the Temple of the Heart and affects the collective in positive ways.

There is a caution however that without balancing Leo with the polar Aquarian energies the King can become over inflated and self-interested leading to the ruin of his dominion when he is cut off from his inner Sun and creative fire. The danger here is that the cut off masculine covets feminine energy sometimes in transgressive ways- this leads to the Wasteland and is at the heart of the Grail mysteries.

Containing one’s solar energy, expressing it appropriately, and protecting it when necessary is important work on the path.

This time is about the feminine principle actively taking her place in creating a new vision through the power of her heart, self-authority, and inner light.

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