Venus Conjunct Asteroid Kaali

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Artist: j-o-a-n- Joan Casaramona “Rasputin”. Found on Common-Ground website.

I’ve been avoiding writing about the latest media show, aka, the Russel Brand scandal mainly because as with most media stories of this ilk there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors… a magic show… a Plato’s cave. But it’s more too- we are genuinely grappling with so many issues right now as we transition… from what to what remains a mystery or is at least a bit hazy. In the absence of truth- or trust in authorities who claim to uphold truth- we are being called to trust ourselves and our perceptions. Unless we clean our own mirror, we continue to project shadows and are influenced by the collective shadow.

In this blog I offer a perspective into the cultural kaleidoscope through an astrological and archetypal lens- respectfully mindful that there are actual people involved in this show.

I was curious to see where Russel’s Dejanira sits in his natal chart; Dejanira is known as the victim asteroid on account of her mythology. I have written about asteroid Dejanira elsewhere in my blog if you’d like to discover more. Briefly, Dejanira is the wife of Hercules (the Solar Hero) who is raped by Nessus the Centaur. Nessus contrives a cunning plan to seek revenge on Hercules from beyond the grave through manipulating Dejanira into smearing Hercules’ shirt in the Centaur’s blood if she ever suspects that Hercules is up to his old tricks again (philandering). It doesn’t take long. One day Dejanira fearful that her husband is falling in love with the beautiful Iole places the blood on his shirt. Hercules immediately combusts in flames and Dejanira, beside herself with grief, throws herself on the pyre.

There’s not a whole load of research and writing about Dejanira and some of what there is can be a little fatalistic. As Astrologers we must tread carefully with hard and fast conclusions. I am presenting ideas and themes for exploration.

While Dejanira is the victim there is also a sense that the whole unfortunate incident is a set-up, and that Dejanira is a pawn in an ongoing feud between Hercules and the Centaur race… she is the sacrifice.

Russel Brand has a tight conjunction between his Sun and Dejanira. If Dejanira/Moon is a split psyche due to victimisation, Dejanira Sun could indicate someone whose essence and ego are consciously identified with the victim archetype- this could express as being a victim or else victimising others. Either way there is a whiff of these dynamics arising out of previous conditions.

There’s more to delve into here but it’s not the main theme of my exploration. The victim archetype is important though, because as with the archetype of the scapegoat, the victim is affected by other people’s shadow, or an entire culture’s shadow. The idea of Brand being “branded” a scapegoat is a belief that many hold. I do feel that he has been set-up in some way though it may not be in the way we think, i.e., due to him exposing corruption. Like the myth of Dejanira, the underpinning of these events reach back into the past and it could be more complex than we realise.

The main thing that caught my (inner) eye in Russel Brand’s chart is his natal Venus conjunct asteroid Kaali. Again, we need to tread cautiously however this placement can point to sex addiction. In the case of Brand this is no secret- he has openly talked about his issues with sex and drug addiction. That the conjunction is on his descendant by tight orb places these dynamics in his relationships, connections, and interactions with others. Again, there’s more that could be said about Brand’s Venus Kaali conjunction and about sexual addiction more generally but for now I want to move on to the next layer.

It was recently revealed that Katy Perry, Russel Brand’s ex-wife referred to him as “Rasputin”, years before sexual allegations were made against him. Piers Morgan claimed that during an interview with Katy Perry in 2013, Perry allegedly said,

You Brits are all the same, so damn confident. Trouble is, I find that irresistible. I love Brits … well, not all of them. Not Rasputin, obviously.

She also said she was not ready to tell the truth about her marriage with Brand because she was not ready to tell the truth to herself.

I looked at the chart of Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, the Russian mystic who held close ties with Nicholas II, last emperor of Russia and his family… especially his wife. In fact, if the stories are to be believed – and again we have no way of knowing the “truth”- Rasputin was the lover of the Empress consort, Alexandra Feodorovna as well as bedding many aristocratic women who apparently saw him- as he saw himself- as the second coming. Indeed, if the accounts of licentiousness and debauchery are true “Russia’s greatest Love machine” would probably in today’s parlance be considered a sex addict. Rasputin was apparently a member of a strange religious cult called the “Khlystys” who engaged in purification rites, asphyxiation, and orgies. It is said that his charisma was off the chart.

Rasputin also has a Venus Kaali conjunction by a 2-degree orb in Capricorn, 2nd (Brand’s is in Cancer). Interestingly, Rasputin’s death chart also shows a Venus Kaali conjunction by a 3-degree orb. Rasputin has a Nessus Dejanira conjunction in Aries in his 7th house- it seems he embodies both the victim and the perpetrator archetypes. In his 2016 biography of Rasputin, Douglas Smith suggests that while many of the representations of Rasputin were accurate much of it was fabricated and that, as in the case with Brand- possibly- Rasputin was set up as a scapegoat. Smith says,

I took away from researching and writing, the degree to which the world around him was as corrupt, or more corrupt than him. And that corrupt world made him a scapegoat for Russia’s problems. Instead of looking at the difficulties facing the country, which were staggering and monumental, especially as the war progressed, it was easy to pin it on all on one person and believe that “if we just somehow got rid of Rasputin and his nefarious influence, all our problems would be gone.

And I do see that he was not the maligned influence that he has been so long considered. He was made an easy scapegoat for insurmountable problems in Russia.

Both men were easy targets because of their sexual behaviour and addictions… their vulnerabilities- bearing in mind neither of them naturally belongs to the ruling classes. Were they innocent? No. But to single out one person from an enmeshed web of cultural shadow is short- sighted. Is there also a conversation to be had around the victims of Brand’s exploits? Certainly.

When the Brand scandal broke out, I was not surprised that sex was front and centre. Sex, shame, humiliation, and bribery are currency in certain circles.

As for Raputin’s Messiah complex, asteroid Yeshuhua is on his ascendant!

If you would like to explore this or any of the other themes that I raise in my posts, I am available for consultations.

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