Are you a young woman who is considering your contraceptive options, or are you a mother of a young woman who is supporting your daughter in considering her options?
It can be a minefield, right?
Unwanted pregnancy has profound consequences for the body, mind, and soul, and we try to avoid it all costs.
According to a government health report, 31% of women experience severe reproductive health issues – that was 4 years ago.
This figure does not include mild and moderate issues.
The truth is that a vast number of women are suffering from “women’s issues,” the biological stats I suspect are downplayed while the emotional, mental, and spiritual costs are rarely if ever discussed.
Around 55,000 hysterectomy operations are carried out in the UK each year. This means about one in five women will have a hysterectomy at some point. The most common age to have one is between 40-50, however they are often carried out on women outside of this age group.
Approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed annually in the U.S. where approximately 20 million women have had a hysterectomy. This makes hysterectomies one of the most common surgeries performed in the U.S.
I suspect in both cases the figures are now higher.
How does menstrual suppression medication tie into this?
The short answer is I do not know because although I have conducted some study in this area, I am not medically trained and a lot of my thoughts on this and other subjects related to female health are born from a deep intuition and calling to speak out… because something does not feel right!
I am hearing more and more stories about how young women are affected by these medications. Yesterday I was talking to a couple of women, one of whom was describing the adverse side- effects of the contraceptive implant on her teenage daughter; these ranged from serious change in mood; sensitivities to a large number of sensory stimuli, foods, and chemicals (this could imply impaired immunity).
The young woman felt desperate and asked to have the implant removed; she was met with hostility and a patronising pep talk from the health care practitioner. In short it was a fight to have it removed.
Incidentally both women (who I was talking with) had previously had a hysterectomy… one was a coupe of years older, and one was a couple of years younger than me.
NEXPLANON one of the market leaders in contraceptive implants is manufactured by Merck- the same drug company that produces the HPV vaccine Gardasil… another highly controversial drug.
In 2017 Merck made over $40 billion in revenues.
The point of this post?
Female reproduction; female sexuality; female bodies; female psycho-spiritual, and psycho- sexual experiences, and the increasing bio-medicalisation of women’s bodies are deeply critical issues for our time and carry consequences way beyond what many of us are led to believe.
It is so important that these and other factors related to female sexuality and reproduction are considered from a holistic and feminine conscious perspective.
This Post Has 2 Comments
Such a great topic., as I myself experienced an odd experience with having an abscess on my (Left) Ovary. I had to be hospitalized for a week, and could have been deadly toxicity. That was exactly the end week of May, 2018> then 2021 (on the exact same day) It happened Again!! I caught it early enough to not be hospitalized and just take antibiotics., But I am Never sick, extremely good immune system so this was extremely rare for me> As I put things together, it was when I had severe heartbreak feelings of knowing the truth and hearing the opposite…as if it was some shock to my system> it was the same person and scenario both times. (I’ve had two sons, and got the IUD after 2nd, in 2012. They said this was the reason for the complications. So you can add this little scenario to your list of contraception/female issues.
But I have to admit, I feel deeply that this has to be some form of Karmic indication – I’ve wondered if it is a cry or a warning …. Any thoughts welcomed 😉
I love your blog so much! It’s so informative as I’ve arisen into my hermit mode of Jupiters orders, it’s been a very assisting addition to my studies 💝✨ Sun♍️newmoon♍️rising♓️
Thank you, Casey, for sharing your story here- yes, adverse effects form the IUD is definitely another issue to consider in the mix of this. I am sorry you went through that.
How curious that the same thing happened on the same day three years later! I am sure that a look at your chart would reveal more about this. Yes, it could be karmic too. The house, and aspects would show a lot I feel.
So glad that you are finding the Gnostic Woman blog informative… it’s why I do it- in the hope that somebody somewhere benefits from it… and of course it is an attempt toward a revitalised feminine consciousness.