We don’t all have to agree right now. Our experiences, though fundamental on some level are also unique. We have different families, communities, cultures (conditioning), and inner worlds (souls). In my opinion we also have different soul paths, karma, consciousness, and life purpose. And it’s all OK.
Some of us trust the people in power to lead us to a good place, and some of us don’t. When a certain few have so much power and money so as to affect the entire globe on many essential levels- including biological- one has to admit, that’s a staggering amount of responsibility. It seems only natural that some of us might want to question if the consciousness behind that power is operating honestly and transparently. For example, is the issue of world health being considered beyond the purely material level of biology and economics? Are less tangible influences also factored in, such as spiritual health and wellbeing, soul-based living, and the living planet?
In previous times, Priests, Priestesses, Druids, Seers, Mystics, and Shamans (or equivalent) might have been regularly consulted precisely because they were able to penetrate behind the veil to see how things operate the level of spirit.
Some people are content with a materialist perspective, others are not.
It doesn’t have to be all conspiracy theory and woo-woo though, separating things in this way only adds fuel to the already raging fire generating more fear, suspicion and division. If there is evidence that doesn’t match up, if there is a sense of dishonesty, or of things being hidden or occult, it seems wise to look a bit deeper. Highly emotive and terrorizing posts circulating on social media can obscure and prohibit measured and responsible conversation. Hence the reason why many people are choosing to opt out of the conversation entirely.
There is a middle way between not engaging and jumping on every little thing out there to prove the existence on an evil cabal.
Talking of wisdom, no matter where stand on the spectrum, keeping a strong inner intuitive connection with oneself is crucial.
If it comes to pass (and perhaps it already has), a global government based on technocratic principles will have unprecedented powers never before witnessed in the history of humanity (at least not as far as we know). Is it enough that these new ‘superpowers’ operate beneath the seemingly benevolent umbrella of humanitarian ideals and philanthropy? Can we trust that?
I need to state again- that is a colossal amount of power.
But life (including bacteria and viruses), and the nature of humanity is more than a problem to be mastered, solved, or controlled.
For me there is a bigger picture to consider- the journey of the human soul and the potential of the human spirit… an evolving humanity whose final destiny is yet unknown.
I am open to questioning the fundamental issues of our time and I encourage others to do the same. I am not going to pass up the opportunity to participate in the potentially greatest transformation (awakening) of our time. And as many have said before me, “We are made for these times”.
Above all I recognise that fear is the biggest inhibitor of the human spirit… and the evolution of humanity.
I notice that the more spiritually inclined among us are focusing on raising our vibration- and if possible, the vibrations of others. Staying positive, upping the ante on spiritual practice, and cultivating good health is essential – I absolutely resonate with that. And yet… I also feel it is important to contribute to the world conversation – we each have something to offer, and for those with spiritual aptitude it is so important to add that to the mix.
Of course, the danger comes in losing sight of oneself in the process and this is why it’s important to honour ourselves… it’s fine to switch off and nourish ourselves, it’s good to retreat for a while, tune into ourselves to find our authentic voice again. It’s all too easy to get bent out of shape.
For me it’s also worth remembering that at the level of spirit, in the absolute sense, or in what native people call ‘Great Mystery’ things may look very different to how they appear to us on this plane.
All things are revealed in good time.
Until then stay strong and centred.