The Warrior, The King, & The Lover.

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king-arthur-C.E. Butler


On the full moon on 28th March at 19.48 GMT, the Sun will be at 8 degrees of Aries conjunct Chiron and Venus also at 8 degrees of Aries.

The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 phrases and interpretations written by Marc Edmund Jones in 1953 that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the wheel of the zodiac. Words and images convey the inner meaning of each degree making the Sabian symbols a creative resource when working with astrology.  

The symbol for 9 Aries  (round up to the next degree) is-


KEYNOTE: The development of an inner realization of organic wholeness.

When the Sun is in Mars ruled Aries, the Warrior archetype is active. In archetypal psychology the Sun is the Self around which the other planets orbit (other parts of the psyche). The duty of the Warrior is to protect the Self; by nature the Sun/King is generative, fertilizing, and benevolent. The wisdom of the good King resides in the heart and is fully connected to the mind and mental faculties.

In many fairy tales and myths such as the Grail legends, the story begins with a sick, wounded, or lame King- a symbol that the Self as organising principle is not functioning properly indicating that other aspects of the psyche are in control. The Wasteland is a symptom of the wounded King, the land is devastated, laid bare, nothing grows… if the King is wounded all are wounded.

The image of King Arthur and his 12 Knights of the Round Table is a beautiful mandala symbol of the the psyche’s wholeness where Knights/Warriors are operating in full concordance with a central unifying and fertilizing principle- the King. Each of the Knights in his way must endure trials, tests, and challenges to be brought to the level of excellence required to serve the Crown. In reality this is the long tender, often painful process of refining the personality and overcoming the demons of ego.

When the ego runs amuck and assumes superiority over the Self there is sickness and imbalance. A sign of this is seen in a lack of generative energy, vitality, and creativity. Poverty, inertia, and over rigidified control are just some of the signs of a wounded King. When this happens, dysregulated aspects need to be slayed (with compassion) to allow the true harmony of the Self to flourish. The King himself must also to be periodically sacrificed to make way for a new King- we see this in the Celtic ritual of the Holly King and the Oak King, or in the myth of the Corn King- in the natural world this reflects the cycles of life, death, and renewal.

The shadow King is the tyrant or weak King; Warriors working on his behalf are ego aspects that have taken over the true Self or essence. Inflation is another downfall of the shadow King, for the good King works for the benefit of all and not only for himself.

If a culture is not thriving and the people are sick, this is a sign that the central organising principle-the King is also sick.

The King archetype exists in women as well as men, in both it is a generative energy with the capacity to protect what one knows to be true; fertilizing the new and ensuring harmony among the people, which can be read as coherence between body-mind-spirit. The journey to Kinghood for men and women, which is another way of describing maturity or individuation is a tough call and usually does not happen without sacrifice.

Chiron on the same degree of the Sun offers the possibility of healing fragmentation restoring the Self… who are those renegade parts of ourselves operating from the shadow or wounded King and what needs to happen in order for them to be brought back to the round table? 

The answer may simply be to ask what ails them, or whom they serve.

Presiding over the coronation this full moon is the Goddess Venus, magnetising to her all that is needed to set the house in order and create a heart centred space. Like the ever-benevolent Queen in true harmony with the good will of the King, Venus bestows forgiveness, pleasure, joy and offers inspired ways of bringing together that which has split apart, with kindness and forgiveness.

In this scenario the King, Queen, and Warrior are all on board with the life-giving principle of Eros.

Questions to consider this full moon:  

How aware are we of our inner organising principle, is all of us on board with our goals and dreams and are they born of our Kingly Self, or are renegade Warriors running the show and protecting the ego?

Do we have our Kingdom in order- how organised are we. Are we able to put conditions in place to successfully achieve our goals?

Is our speech and conduct in alignment with the vision of our higher self. Are we impeccable with our word?

What parts of ourselves do we need to bring home across the bridge of Chiron and into the arms of Venus?

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