The Royal Road & the Holy Grail… a post inspired by dreams.

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti – The Damsel of the Sanct Grael (1874)

Dreams said Freud are the royal road to the unconscious, while for Jung dreams- perhaps above all else- are the psyche’s way of communicating valuable information.

Our dreams are the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind; our bridge is not the same as anyone else’s, it is the path to our very own Grail castle and offers the possibility of the elixir that will nourish our soul.

The way we can share this gift is by becoming the unique individual that we are meant to be.

Therapies, modalities, templates, theories, religions, and teachings that do not consider the individual soul can lead us only so far… at a certain point we are on our own.

Jung says “…anyone who attempts to do both, to adjust to his group and at the same time pursue his individual goal, becomes neurotic.”

It’s a fine balance. It has never been an easy path to be true to oneself and find a way of living in the world with integrity however now more than ever the world needs individuals who live by their unique soul’s code.

The journey of soul making is a subtle interplay of inner and outer conditions encompassing the irrational and the daimonic while appreciating the interconnectedness, or synchronicity, of seemingly unrelated events.

For Jung this is the process of individuation and for Mythologist Joseph Campbell it is the Hero’s Journey.

According to Russian mystic and spiritual teacher Gurdjieff, we are born only with the potential for a soul, it is not a guarantee that we will attain a soul- a fully articulated vehicle of consciousness connecting the body directly with the sources of its creation.

For Gurdjieff, developing a soul is very difficult and can only be brought to fruition directly within the conditions of our own life.

This is the Way of the Grail.

Consider that your uniqueness is a subtle tapestry woven from all your life circumstances, your inner disposition and sensitivities, the place you were born, the era and the family you were born into, as well as all of the encounters you have experienced …everything in fact that makes you you.

This is the prima materia of your soul.

When we accept that everything we have experienced up to this point has been necessary to create the individual soul that we are we can no longer be a victim.

Trusting and surrendering to this requires Faith.

Jung says the key is this: we must be able to let things happen in the psyche.

Paying attention to dreams is an excellent way of soul making.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marie Rose Star

    After all The Son of God even was born of a Women. All are brought into the Womb carried until time to come into the World🌹

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