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"Blowing a Hoodie"- Ceramic three- piece sculpture by Ronnie Fulton.
“Blowing a Hoodie”- Ceramic three- piece sculpture by Ronnie Fulton.

Yesterday I made a post about a gift that I received on my birthday this year. It is a ceramic figurine of a gowned woman raising her hands to the heavens. The figurine was found in a field in East Lothian and was covered in mud. I knew that the artist was most likely a ceramicist who worked form Tantallon studios just outside North Berwick. The artist’s name is Ronnie Fulton, and it seems that the figurine was created as a part of a three-piece sculpture called “Blowing a Hoolie” – a tribute to the witches of North Berwick who were persecuted after being accused of attempting to sink the ship of King James VI and his Danish wife.

The artist says,

“It was a savage and dangerous time to be a healer, a midwife, a dissident, or a bit eccentric. In 1590 in North Berwick many local residents, mostly women were persecuted for attempting to sink the ship bearing King James VI and his Danish wife Anne. Supposedly witchcraft was used to summon a storm…’Raise a Hoolie’

The little piece that has found its way to me appears to have not been included in the final sculpture. Somehow, she was abandoned- the abandoned witch- left to rest in the dark mud until someone found her, cleaned her up, and gifted her to a Scottish woman who among the things is exploring her witchy ancestors.

What a beautiful synchronicity to begin the year!

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