Preparing for an Astro- consultation with a client and realising that I know quite a few people with angles, planets, or points on the solar eclipse 19-degree Aries- myself included as that is my MC, widely conjunct my Mars/Chiron in the 9th, and opposite my IC/Moon/ Uranus in the 4th.
The Sabian Symbol for the solar eclipse degree on 8th April is:
A Young Girl Feeding the Birds in Winter. (Mindfire).
KEYNOTE: Overcoming crises through compassion.
Nature’s seasonal rhythms imply an oscillation between living and dying. Through creative imagination man can “fly over” the cycle and discover means not only to escape from the fatality of seasonal decay or deprivation, but to assist other living entities to survive through crises. Migrating birds fly south (cf. symbol of Aries 12°), but by establishing a partnership with other creatures unable to escape wintry deprivation or death, man can maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds) steady through all crises if, like a “young girl,” he is widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy.
At this fifth stage of the symbolic sequence, we witness human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency. Life potency in nature spirits reaches a higher level in the human being. The theme is THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.
In one of the many posts circulating on social media about the transformative potential of the eclipse, someone spoke of potential life-changing transformation knocking on the door but for some… the door has blown in, the windows too, the four walls have collapsed, and we find the foundations of the house were built on a gaping chasm which now seems to be the only refuge against the raging winds. If that’s you take heart… love, like God, works in mysterious ways and sometimes even though the shake-up and strip down feel brutal, it is still a pathway to love.
The Dark Night of the soul, grief, the existential crisis, death, rebirth, the collapse of the old and the arrival of the new all have the potential to birth us into love.
This eclipse is not a cookbook- Chiron is involved in a major way- this is personal and relates to the unique tone of our soul, encompassing our ancestral, as well as personal karma, and spiritual lineage.
It’s not a cookbook… but some of us are being cooked in the oven, in the fire, or the cauldron but the transformative vessel, the alembic, purifies, distils, and extracts our vital essence to release the gold of our heart and soul.
Feeding the birds and the transmutation of life into love comes with the recognition that we all suffer and just as we can be helped and comforted by others, we can also be a beacon for others. Everyone lives according to their soul’s intention, straddling unseen chasms and climbing mountains of the inner planes.
Feeding the birds in winter also relates to feeding the winged ones, the messengers of the gods, and keeping alive our connection with spirit.