For me a way to connect with the Spirit of the Land is through voice.
Somehow the singing voice- sometime words, sometimes just sound- feels like “a way in”. Without over thinking what to say the sound that comes through is vibration and has the potential to align with the vibration of the land.
Voice is a way of communicating with our ancestors, almost as if we are saying, “this is where we are now, this is how we are, these are the places that need healing, and these are the things we have learned”.
It is also a way for the past to communicate back to us, not through words but through energy and vibration- the ancestors talk back.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
The power of prayer is well testified, sent through time and space to a divine source who can effect change. Sending our message to Spirit is a prayer. Our spirit song is powerful.
The body and the vocal cords are a vehicle; what comes through can feel unfamiliar and “other” and that can feel a bit unnerving but if our hearts are open and our intentions are pure, deep healing can occur. As well as the wounds of the ancestors we can also call upon their protection and wisdom.
In caves, stones, and at ancient wells I lead people in meditation, into themselves and the wise voice within. I refer to this voice as a “calling card”, a way of introducing ourselves to the genius loci, the ancestors of the place, and the non-human community. After initial shyness people usually respond well.
Our voice is connected to our soul and is a signature.
The health of an individual, the health of a culture, and the health of a nation can be heard in the voice
The voice is a tool, a tuning fork, that most of us have access to… if we can quiet the overly rational, critical mind. Where the voice breaks, is overly high or low, or jarred with emotion is indicative of the health of an individual. Truth is heard in the voice… so is trauma.
What is the condition of the voices we constantly hear through the channels of mass media that are trained to remain impartial, betraying nothing of human emotion or instinct? Personally, I find it difficult to listen to mainstream news broadcasts and political rhetoric- and most mainstream music. What part of us does the sterile matter-of-fact news broadcasters voice touch in us, especially as it invariably and indifferently reports carnage, killing, poverty, and the whole spectrum of human horror? It doesn’t take much to realise that it activates fear, contacts our body, and triggers our nervous system. In this condition expanded awareness is unlikely while separation is encouraged.
To understand who we are I believe that we need to understand our past. The history books present interpretations of who we are, how we came to be, and where we are from, but the information is limited or heavily curated for select narratives.
To understand who we are and our cultural history it is necessary to read beneath the lines of common texts. A symbolic mindset can facilitate a deeper understanding of the signs and symbols, and cultivating our instincts and intuition goes a long way to finding our truth and the truth of our culture… feeling it in our bones, or in our water as my mother used to say. But we also hear truth… something “sounds true” or not.
In our cells and in our blood, memories exist, often dormant, awaiting activation.
Working with the energy of the land, the purity of nature, and especially the sites that our ancestors deemed important is a direct way to connect with the lost parts of ourselves and our culture… it is a kind of soul retrieval. Working with Ley-lines and man-made channels of energy is also a way to get beneath the hidden history of humanity for a deeper understanding.
As I write this I am in Stirling, touring the ancient sites. As it happens my visit coincides with the anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, a major event in the history of Scottish Independence. Cultural heroes such as William Wallace and Robert the Bruce are revered and also held as examples of what can happen when one lives and speaks their truth especially if it goes against the dominant human power structures. Especially when that voice reaches and touches many people.