Today Saturn stations direct at 6° Aquarius after a several month period of retrograde motion.
Saturn’s direct motion follows on from Pluto stationing direct on October 6th, and a few days before Jupiter and Mercury go direct on October 18th.
That’s a lot of forward motion!
So where are we going?
As always that has a lot do with us; far from being swept along in the collective tides, Saturn compels us to review the choices we are making and asks some challenging question about self-responsibility, and legitimate authority.
The Sabian Symbol for Saturn’s station direct degree is:
The ancient symbolism of the Cosmic Egg (Hiranyagharba in Sanskrit) out of which a new universe is born can be interpreted at several levels. Here we see the appearance of a new type of human being […] one who is free from the inertia of mankind’s past. He constitutes a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition.
It can be said to announce the EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age. The power of the whole is focused within him in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions.
Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with the collective, and also with technology- could this be more timely in light of Frances Haugen’s recent expose of Facebook’s lack of social responsibility in the interest of capital gains? But is she a plant? Certainly that theory has entered the hall of information smoke and mirrors. Haugen who became passionate in her pursuit to expose Facebook after she “lost a friend to conspiracy theories,” certainly has all the hallmarks of a media personality who appears to have undergone a radical transformation in her appearance of late. Of course that in itself is not a sign of anything, in fact when it comes to the verifiability of information processed through our current media channels, nothing is as it seems…and Saturn won’t stand for it.
Saturn seeks truth and asks for accountability.
Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with structure within the collective spheres; technology is an obvious tool of choice in the creation of those structures. How that tool is used or abused is the immediate and living issue we are being asked to confront.
Saturn has what it takes to create either a prison to enclose the collective mind, or the integrity to offer the possibility of freedom from that prison through alternative (though solid) structures… and if that includes the stepping up of personal accountability, all the better.
Saturn asks us to choose, and to choose wisely, he is not impressed with alarmist tactics that demand lightning-fast decisions or knee jerk reactions- when Saturn hears the much-used phrase “we are running out of time,” I expect he raises a sardonic eyebrow and asks, whose time, exactly?
Immediacy to secure control before too many people question an increasingly dubious authority is a pressing weight… can’t you just feel the collective nervous system going into sympathetic overdrive?
Tracking women as matter of safety is just one of the proposals that falls within the “now let’s just take a minute to consider this” category. We have already allowed too many extreme, if not illegal, measures to be made on behalf of “the greater good,”… used often as a tactic in service to the shadow side of Aquarius. An alarming example of this is convincing children- who have virtually no chance of dying from “C”- to assume social responsibility for the rest of society.
The message in my New Moon blog was clear and I feel worth repeating:
“Be very careful about what you are prepared to trade for the illusion of safety”.
“An emergence of global man for a new age,” says the symbol for Saturn’s change of direction.
That global man could be a mind controlled, fearful pawn who has assigned power to the architects of a new world order, or it could be a global man who having taken responsibility for the freedom of himself, his family, and community (of the human and non-human world), consciously chooses “a “new ordered world” creating structures that are conducive to organic and soulful living, liberated from tyranny and manipulation.
The well-oiled propaganda machine, having now become like some Frankenstein’s monster of the collective psyche, is running itself requiring only the power we give it. Every time we are activated by the next red herring or timely trauma trigger, we feed the beast.
If we trust our own Saturn, the wise father within who is unphased by coercive ploys, we might learn to free ourselves from Big Brother tech allowing ourselves to be guided by something more organic than an algorithm.
On the other hand when the power of Saturn is drafted for nefarious purposes, and we allow those structures to be implemented, the consequences may not be easily undone. Saturn, as with all of the planets has a higher and lower polarity depending on the consciousness that engages with it.
When a story “breaks,” instead of panicking we could consider the underlying motivations hidden beneath the first few layers of rhetoric-from both MSM and other sources- before allowing them to form another crust around the prison of our consensual reality.
Whatever we are choosing now will be amplified and strengthened by Jupiter’s direct motion in a week’s time. All this direct motion can be considered a seed moment; it doesn’t all have to be worked out immediately, however at the beginning of this next chapter we can start as we mean to go on by consciously choosing.
Pluto is highlighting issues of power and how we choose to exercise that power either by factoring it out or owning it. This may require a deeper look at our personal trauma to uncover the ways in which we are susceptible to manipulation. As the symbol says, there is at this time an opportunity to be “free from the inertia of mankind’s (our) past.”
We are in the process of creating a fresh perspective of the creative Spirit- there are many possibilities once we free ourselves from past conditioning.