Reclaiming Medusa’s Head… so she can speak.

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When the moon reached her fullness at 27° Taurus 14’, on 19th November, she made a conjunction to the fixed star Algol Beta Persei at 26° Taurus 10’ (Algol has a 2° orb). Located in the Medusa’s head of the Perseus constellation, Algol is thought to be one of the most unfortunate stars in the heavens and is widely associated with violence. William Lily, the 17th century Astrologer considered any planet within a 5° orb of Algol to be afflicted.

The Arabic name for Algol is Al Ghoul which means demon or evil spirit and is associated with decapitation which is connected to the myth of Medusa whose head is slain and severed by Perseus.

Algol also has the same root as alcohol… losing one’s head is a consequence of consuming too much alcohol.

Today asteroid Medusa is at 10° Scorpio 10’ in an opposition with Uranus at 12° 0’ Taurus. Dark Moon Lilith- the dark side of the Moon- is at 1 Gemini 39’, in an almost exact conjunction with the north node of the moon at 1° Gemini 30’.

The Dark Goddess speaks and guides us forward in our collective destiny.

Considered a female demon who was married to the devil, the Arabs believed Algol to be the most malefic star of all. The late medieval and early modern church accused women who were tried and tortured for witchcraft to be associates of the devil. Lilith, the first wife of Adam who refused to be submissive, was thought to cavort with wild demons on the shores of the Red Sea, herself becoming a wind demon who disempowered men with her evil seductions. In Talmudic Law, Algol is connected with Lilith

What begins to emerge through this cross-cultural thread is the story of patriarchal fear of feminine power.

Algol/Lilith/Medusa embodies everything that is feared in the feminine from causing the loss of reason in men, pacts with the devil, unbridled sexuality, refusal to comply with patriarchal control, seduction, rage, and the power to summon spirits. It is only Lilith who knows the ineffable name of God, and it is Lilith who returns to the garden as a serpent to initiate Eve in the knowledge of good and evil.

What emerges is that these female archetypes are demonised, feared and rejected because they are powerful. More powerful than any man-made laws designed to silence and control, more powerful than the gilded cage of patriarchy, and more powerful than reason and intellect. Powerful because they are connected to a primordial authority that is driven by Mother nature and the innate pulse of life that spirals in cycles of renewal including death, darkness, decay, and destruction – a different kind of power from the mind split from body (the so-called enlightened mind) which attempts to win mastery over nature.

Is that not what is happening now even more tenaciously than ever before, the attempted control of the wild, organic, and unpredictable elements of nature including human nature.

Feminine power has been subverted and demonised for hundreds if not thousands of years but don’t be fooled that this is a thing of the past or the dark ages, fear of the feminine is alive and kicking today so much so that the controllers have upped the ante to an alarming degree.

As I was writing this post, I did a quick internet search on the connection between Algol and Lilith, the first page of entries was almost entirely linked to an MLF porn star whose “stage name” is Lilith Algol. This is sadly typical of how the names of the goddess have been subverted and demonised in popular culture and even politics… I am thinking of Isis- the Islamic state military organization. Type “Medusa” into the search bar and you’ll be sure to find an array of manga type, cartoonish depictions of femme fatales, blood smeared or absurdly sexualised as  “Vagina Dentata” whores ready to emasculate and devour any helpless man who crosses her path.

There are a thousand ways to discredit the feminine: from disallowing the term “breast feeding” and changing it to “chest feeding” in order to include trans women; menstrual suppression; economic dependency; slut shaming; inciting fear of violence (real or imagined); ridicule, to name a few. On this point, I must say as a “Karen,” that the stereotyping of women who have the balls to speak out  as “difficult,” is just one of the many ways that the conditioned social order collude with this programming.

In reality the feared feminine is a fully embodied, spirit connected, intelligent mind with a soul guided purpose, refusing to be enslaved or broken by those who live in fear of losing their man-u-factured and illusionary control.

Was the full moon eclipse in Taurus a malefic moon? No, I don’t think it was. What may be closer to the truth is that the Dark Goddess is active and potent specifically at this time of year on account of  various cosmic factors, while on the collective level of humanity’s awakening the powerful feminine is rising in women and men who are waking up to the truth of covert manipulation eating away at our sacred core. That is the real “ghoul,” the  “Al-khul” which means “body eating spirit.”

No other myth shape shifts quite like the myth of Medusa; the popular interpretation often centres around the serpent headed gorgon, monstrous to be behold, petrifying men in her stony eyed stare. Victory from her wrath is won by the solar hero Perseus who aided by the gods finally decapitates Medusa delivering her head to Athena, the first fully formed daughter of patriarchy birthed from the head of Zeus.

Medusa is not entirely satisfied with this version of her story… there is more to it. She is calling to us now, from the dark dank cave on the Western fringes of the world somewhere between sleep and death. She comes to us in dreams, rises in the blood that boils when we are confronted with the injustices of the world, in the long slow gaze at patriarchy that sees through the veils of deception. Medusa’s eye is the unblinking, all-seeing eye, the eye that sees beyond the illusions of the material world and into the spirit of things, into things as they really are.

Medusa is leaving the cave and returning to the Temple.

One of Medusa’s sacred roles is as Protectress of the Serpent Mysteries, and the Golden Apples in the Garden of Hesperides.

Algol, located in the Medusa’s head and carried by Perseus has meaning beyond the monstrous gorgon and her ill fated ways, it represents feminine passion. Algol raises questions about how we express our feminine passion, do we ferment and rage in a state of victimhood played like puppets of the patriarchy responding with unhealed trauma to every ruse and manipulation designed to keep us in fear, or do we rise in power, reclaim our severed head, and reconnect our embodied nature guided wisdom and spirit led soul with a strong undivided and unconditioned mind.

 Do we fear the serpent or do we embrace her; the serpent has the power to heal and the power to destroy.

It’s time to reclaim Medusa’s head… so she can speak.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Susan

    Algol was in the heavens above my head when I was born and I honor Medusa. She brought me great power and had protected me and my daughters these last few years.
    Alls she needs is reverence .

    1. Karen Smith
      Karen Smith

      Thank you Susan, yes I agree, Medusa is feminine power that could be loved instead of feared, and the world would be a more balanced and stronger place with her wisdom in it.

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