Those who are on the cusp between Millennials and Generation Z, who have Pluto in the first degrees of Sagittarius, are just hitting, or are gearing up for their Saturn return. The rest of Generation Z will follow suit over the next 12 years. That this coincides with Pluto’s transit through Aquarius speaks to this generation’s tech savvy ways and impetus to break with convention.
“Gen Z” known as the first true “digital natives” are- and have been since childhood- at liberty to spread their message on a worldwide platform… sometimes indiscriminately and often without recourse. Positive aspects of this are freedom of speech (though we have also witnessed the inverse of this) and the disseminating of information as it pertains to a need for social, economic, and ecological reform. The shadow side is a propensity for mob mentality, cancel culture, and if left unchecked a zeal for “truth” that places unwavering faith in “expert” led science above intuitive and instinctual wisdom. Tolerance for opposing or differing points of view may become increasingly short. The creation of new but equally limiting forms of oppression likewise deserves a cautionary note.
On the positive side, Pluto in Sagittarius born people are likely to become the inventors of a brave new world- powerful liberators from the clutches of outmoded systems of oppression and power imbalance; visionaries operating out of a higher mind with a clarity of focus to hit the target. No doubt they are the leaders and way-showers of a new order, regenerated from the compost of Capricorn/Saturn’s shed skins.
The question is whether or not transformation (Pluto) can ensue without a complete breaking of the social fabric.
In the Pulse of Life, Dane Rudhyar says, that when the cardinal sign that precedes the fixed sign- in this case Pluto in Capricorn preceding Pluto in Aquarius-
“The power demonstrated by the fixed sign that follows manifests as a release or as an outburst of energy. The release either expands and glorifies what has been built and focalized, or else tends to destroy and transcend it.”
In this case the shift involves a form of society (Capricorn); what was focalized in Capricorn?
Rudhyar poetically illustrates possible outcomes when he says that the person of an Aquarian nature-
” may pour new wine in old bottles, or break the old bottles and spill the wine for lack of adequate containers.”
History has shown that during times of social instability and transition, where there is a gap, or where the containers are weak or lacking, there is a danger of radicalism. That is not to say that radicalism is necessarily bad (I’ve got a lot to do with Aquarius and Uranus myself) however left unchecked it can escalate into some disturbing spaces.
Of concern is that as Gen Z “come of age” as they cross the Saturn return threshold, they- like most of us- are susceptible to cultural engineering and manipulation that subverts the basic impetus for change. It feels more important than ever for individuals to retain a sense of inner knowing and instinctual wisdom in the face of technological and scientific advancement… and possibly supremacy.