Today’s new moon at 13° Libra occurs at 12.05 pm BST. At the same degree as the Sun and the Moon (at just over 30 arc minutes) is The Red Planet- Mars. The seed moment of the new lunar cycle is highlighting the masculine principle and all that Mars represents such as action, assertiveness, desire, will power, courage, forcefulness, and aggression. Mars is also connected to sexuality, sex drive, primal energy, and libido. As the son of Jupiter and Juno, Mars was initially a fertility god in ancient Rome and later became associated with war.
Right now in our collective consciousness the masculine principle is under fire as never before. A generation or two ago we could scarcely have imagined the unease caused by recent abuse of power at the hands of masculine authority which we view as traditionally appointed to protect. As an institutionalised archetype, the protecting masculine identified with fatherly care, law & order, reason & justice, appears to have disappeared before our eyes. In the wake of the shattered image, there is panic and fear… how could this happen here?
I suggest we have reached a crucial point in the myth of masculinity.
On one hand negative traits of the shadow masculine loom large on our world screen; whether real or imagined, underplayed, or fabricated, it cannot be denied that the fear engendered by a profound lack of trust of masculine power rips through our collective psyche burning any romantic ideal we may previously have held. On an individual level I expect deeply buried traumas at the hands of masculine abuse are also surfacing. People are incredulous as the pillars of society- the pillar of patriarchy- crumble; from out of the rubble we stumble, finally awakened to the devastation of the wasteland, and wondering where are the safe masculine containers.
On the other hand there appears to be a collective emasculation and as “Big Daddy” exerts ever more control the will to fight is either lost in a sense of hopelessness or else is activated in primal rage- either way the broken warrior and the trauma triggered fighter lashing out blindly are impaired in their ability to act from power.
Wrapped within the polarity of the Sun and Moon, there is the possibility of the re-balancing of Mars- purified by the Sun and transformed by the Moon… masculine and feminine energy. This is an opportunity to bring the masculine energies within and without into greater balance- especially as this alchemy takes place in the sign of Libra which is concerned with equilibrium.
In opposition to the stellium in Libra is Chiron highlighting the core wounds to our image and experience of the masculine. Chiron in relationship with Mars offers the potential to transmute “Warrior” into “Sacred warrior.”
Now is the time of the Divine Masculine.
The sabian symbol of Chiron’s degree in the new moon chart is “Ruler Of A Nation” and speaks to the power resulting from the collective desire for order. History has shown that in the midst of chaos and uncertainty people will tolerate and even seek more control. This symbol indicates a centralization of power at the level of rigidity which in many ways is how we have been increasingly living over the past two years.
My message this lunar cycle is-
Be very careful about what you are prepared to trade for the illusion of safety.
Instead of rigid centralized control we can turn to ourselves to provide fatherly holding- what action are we ready to take from a place of conscious awareness rather than acting out or trauma-based reaction.
Here are a few questions to consider:
How are we using our precious life force (libido); where is going?
Can we express righteous anger and in what way do we do that?
What are we here to do in this lifetime, what are the desires of our soul and how can we create the pathways for ourselves to express and achieve this?
How are we spending our sexual energy- is it entirely ours, do we own it, or is it being used in service of some other purpose based on lack or need, power and control?
Do we have any examples of the divine masculine being expressed in our lives- any role models of this?
With Mars in the cosmic alembic with the purifying fire of the Sun and the transformative powers of the Moon, Mars is being re-balanced… and just for a moment is taking up his original mantle of fertility god, as well as warrior with the feminine principle tempering his over emphasised warrior.
Some of us are learning how to reparent ourselves, becoming both mother and father to our emerging Self- we are in the territory of the divine masculine and the divine feminine- we are remembering this as our sacred birth rite.
New Moon blessings everyone- in praise and gratitude of the beautiful masculine divine.