In the last new moon chart (28th July) Mars, Chiron, asteroid Kaali, and Uranus formed a stellium at the mid points of Taurus- Mars was at 15 degrees which is the point of the astrological Beltane.
To me this was a signifier that sexuality, and particularly masculine sexuality is being reviewed and transformed. This will continue through this lunar cycle and well beyond.
Mars is our sexuality and libido, passion, action, drive, and generative energy. Chiron, the wound is right next to Mars and highlights the wound associated with masculinity- in this relationship Chiron also offers healing and the potential for transmutation of wounded masculine energy.
Asteroid Kaali is a powerhouse supercharging anything she touches and is also connected with kundalini; Kali is the slayer of ego and all that no longer serves in aligning with our authentic selves. Asteroid Kaali points to radical transformation.
Uranus is also transformation and is connected with electricity, light, liberation, awakening… and kundalini.
That these powers are grouped together and have merged at the point of astrological Beltane is suggestive of a transformation occurring in our individual and collective psyche and bio-energy field around sexuality, particularly masculine sexuality…though in the new moon chart feminine sexuality is also highlighted in the Venus, Lilith, Hades conjunction.
Looking back at what was happening for you on or around the time of Beltane could shed some light on how these energies are operating in your life.
I am delighted that in my practice I am beginning to work with more men, and in my personal life I am meeting more men too, sometimes in random and magical ways. In these encounters it feels as if we have something to offer each other beyond the bounds of conventional man/woman relationship. These relationships are not sexual although there is a space, a very tentative and beautiful one that opens up for discussion around sexuality, embodiment, feelings, shadow, and accountability.
In the necessary shaking out of the old dusty blanket of human sexuality what has been hidden is revealed and it becomes clear that reality has been operating at two levels- what is shown and what is not. This splitting of reality creates a cognitive dissonance that shows up in the individual and collective psyche. It is this that is potentially being healed.
While a good dose of Uranian light circulates through old stagnant spaces, and Pluto prepares to dust himself down after his shift in Capricorn, things are opening out. As Pluto moves into airy Aquarius, we will experience a whole new vibe… maybe to do with the shadow side of technology.
As Pluto moved through Capricorn, we witnessed many esteemed persons exposed as leading a double life- the public persona and the private reality. Many of us have been disturbed to learn how the establishment prepared, and even protected the ground for these indiscretions to occur.
We have witnessed the MeToo campaign, had discussions around toxic masculinity, challenged pornography, or at least opened a discussion about the implications of porn, and at a very fundamental level have questioned our ideas, attitudes, and beliefs around gender.
Relationships that are abusive, raping (in whatever way you choose to see that), toxic, narcissistic, and exploitative continue to be explored in the wider social arena- this could enable a victim mentality or empower us to take responsibility for ourselves.
The kundalini is rising; the chains that have bound humanity particularly through sexuality are potentially being dissolved… though there is always the danger that new chains come in different guises.
If nothing else this is a time to be alert and awake to our experiences and choices.
Perceptions are changing, tolerance is too. As we become more conscious of our physical bodies and how they connect with our feelings, emotions, subtle bodies, and bio- energetic field- in short, our soul- we are being called to face the shadow.
What at one time would have been the norm is increasingly unable to go unchallenged as our individual vibration changes. The structures that kept the old stagnant ways in place are beginning to dissolve also on the individual level. Many people are breaking down.
We have not had a fully conscious, fully spiritualized, fully embodied sexuality on the planet for a very long time, maybe since the days of the sacred sexual temple priestesses. Maybe Mars (in his shadow warrior aspect) is laying once again in the temple of the Goddess.