Maidens of the Well Painting.

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Maidens of the Well by Elena Albanese.
Maidens of the Well by Elena Albanese.
In 2013- 2014 I worked at Chalice Well, Glastonbury. One of the loveliest parts of the job was to walk around the garden just after closing time to make sure that all visitors had left, and to lock up.
I always took this opportunity to stand for a few moments at the Wellhead and enjoy peaceful time alone with the ‘Spirit of the Well’.
One afternoon as I was standing in my usual reverie, I spied a little wooden disc off to the side. I picked it up and saw a drawing of a woman’s face with the word ‘Transform’ written beneath the image. On the back of the disc were the following words-
“You have found a piece of me. Please write me about you @… the illustrators email address”.
I put the disc in my pocket and took it home intending to write to the artist later. Years went by and although I always kept the disc, I never did get around to writing to her.. I was too busy transforming!
The wooden 'Transform' disc found at Chalice Well in 2013.
The wooden ‘Transform’ disc found at Chalice Well in 2013.
The wooden 'Transform' disc found at Chalice Well in 2013.
The wooden ‘Transform’ disc found at Chalice Well in 2013.
In 2020, long after I had left Chalice Well and the town of Glastonbury I was organising a women’s retreat at Chalice Well, when I had the idea to contact the artist and commission a painting. I told her the story of how I had found the disc and had always meant to write to her but never got round to it. She was delighted to hear from me, and I learned that in the ‘You have found a piece of me” project the artist had left several (I think 13) similar discs in and around the sacred sites of Glastonbury, each bearing a different illustration and a different word. Most of the people who found the discs had written something about their story, how they came to find their disc, and how it was reflective of their life at that time.
She agreed to do a painting for my retreat: it was to include a well with a Vesica Pisces design; women/priestesses sitting around the well in ceremony; a central figure embodying the Swan Maiden; Lilith in the form of an owl, and a serpent winding around a tree. The scene was to be set during twilight or at night with the Pleiades cluster in the night sky… I called in a lot of symbols to represent the nature of my retreat: the Well Maidens, the Feminine Mysteries, and as the retreat was to take place in November, mythology and star-lore connected with the seven sisters.
She agreed to work with me and after a couple of months the painting was sent from Italy. It was perfect and beautifully depicted the energy that I wished to evoke.
Elena Albanese illustrator of mythological images, deities, and the Goddess in all her many manifestations is a wonderful artist and human being. It has been a pleasure to know and work with her throughout the years.
Four years after our initial contact, and ten years after finding the wooden disc I am moving onto the next chapter of my life and letting go of many things, including precious things. I look forward to the next stage of my journey however there are some things that I would love to see go to a good home and Elena’s painting is one of them.
If you are genuinely interested in purchasing it, please send me a DM. I may even include the magic disc… and who knows where it might lead!

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