Magdalena on the Galactic Centre- Venus/Mars Conjunction: Full Moon Sacred Union Activation

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Image- Mary Magdalene and Yeshua (ChristoSophia), Kilmore Church, Dervaig, Scotland.
Image- Mary Magdalene and Yeshua (ChristoSophia), Kilmore Church, Dervaig, Scotland.

On 16 February, the Moon will be full at 27 ° Leo, opposite the Sun at 27 ° Aquarius. Illuminated by the Sun this is a fiery moon, a Queenly moon, reflecting the light of Aquarian consciousness from the throne of the heart. A Leo moon indicates a solar feminine quality, a signature that is also reflected in Venus’ blazing glory as Morning star.

While the dance of divine feminine and divine masculine is highlighted in the opposition of the luminaries- Sun & Moon- cosmic lovers, Venus & Mars tango in an exact conjunction at 16 ° Capricorn. Magnetic Venus, core essence of the feminine nature in her manifest form awakens the impulse to regenerative life-force, activating Mars’ libido and vitality… the Goddess of Love is being penetrated by her cosmic consort. The union takes place at 16 ° Capricorn, sanctioned by Earth bound Law Keeper and Lord of Karma, Saturn; vows made by the union of masculine and feminine at this time have staying power and holds the potential to actualize on the material plane.

This is the hieros gamos- the sacred marriage made manifest through masculine and feminine polarity and union.

At the point of the Moon’s fullness asteroid Magdalena is conjunct the Galactic Center at 26 ° Sagittarius. Mary Magdalene, in whom the hieros gamos takes place archetypally within her own essence and in sacred union with Christ, emanates higher vibrational information from Source to the human sphere. For the Maya, the Galactic Center was the supreme godhead and ultimate creator which they named “Hunab Ku;” for them it was a portal to other galaxies and the consciousness that organizes all matter from a whirling disk into stars, planets, and solar systems. Burst of energy from the Galactic Centre- the cosmic womb- is the portal through which the creator orchestrates the unfolding of our galaxy.

Mary Magdalene Priestess and Keeper of the Womb Mysteries embodies the feminine Christ; She holds within Her being dark and light; She anoints Yeshua and resurrects the human soul. Through sacred feminine gnosis- now mostly lost and suppressed along with other gnostic teachings- Magdalene offers liberation and awakening into our divine nature; she imparts the lost teachings and points to where they may be found… in sacred union within and in sacred union with the beloved. If Christ is pointing to God, Magdalene is pointing to God within, to Sophia, She who consciously descends into physical matter existing as indwelling light.

When Venus’ husband Hephaestus discovered her love affair with Mars, he sets out to shame the couple by ensnaring them in an invisible bronze net of chains, their passion and nudity exposed for all the gods to witness. The marriage between Venus and Hephaestus (Vulcan) however was part of a bargain made by Zeus who promised Hephaestus the hand of Venus/Aphrodite for the release of his consort, Hera when she became trapped by Hephaestus- her own son- on a golden throne… a classic Möbius loop of the ongoing battle of the sexes; a thread that weaves through fairy tales, myths, and stories, manifesting as world history through a distorted mythologem.

The stealing of, entrapment, and raping of the feminine is a staple theme in Greek drama and is reflected through the archetypal distortions and overlays of patriarchy. Use and abuse of feminine energy degraded and desacralized as chattel in systems of power that have commodified and attempted to control the soul has become an intrapsychic reality. Now however the conditions are ripe to dismantle these webs.

At this time, we are being given an opportunity to do things differently; Venus and Mars are magnetic lovers, they are irresistible to one another, beyond any socially approved contract or ‘civil engineering’, they embody the universal law of attraction, the magnetic reproductive force of the feminine penetrated by the generative masculine, who in turn is ‘anointed’ by the feminine. Mary Magdalene and Yeshua symbolically embody the bridal mysteries- She with gnosis of Herself as divine feminine consort in sacred union with the divine masculine, and He in holy service to Her accepting that His resurrection happens through Her.

Magdalena on the Galactic centre… Venus and Mars conjunction… if you believe that we exist in a vibratory universe, that emanations from the planets and other celestial bodies interact with our own soul essence which in itself is a frequency, a cell in the vibrational cosmos, this full moon is an invitation to illuminate and let go of limiting beliefs and patterns constructed according to a world view where divine masculine, and divine feminine have been distorted and degraded.

This is a moment of freedom.

Magdalene stands as the doorway to a higher consciousness beckoning us to enter Her Temple of the Heart.

Also involved in the full moon configuration are the lunar nodes forming a Grand Cross- Sun at 27° Aquarius; Moon at 27° Leo; North Node at 27° Taurus; South Node at 27° Scorpio… a Grand opportunity to reset our collective destiny.

How can we work with this?

Move away from the drama stories: On the lower polarity Mars and Venus act out the battle of the sexes- attraction and repulsion; desire and rejection; jealousy and revenge; fear and manipulation; primal instincts expressed without measure, consequence, or consciousness resulting in shame, infidelity, and transgressions of all sorts.

On the higher polarity- in the Magdalene/Christ vibration- union is lifted from unconscious wounding and destructive patterns to conscious choosing and heart centred relationships where men and women create an alembic of transformation, a sacred geometry of resurrection, not only for themselves, but as a Christ light in the world.

The sabian symbol for the Mars/Venus conjunction is (CAPRICORN 17°): A REPRESSED WOMAN FINDS A PSYCHOLOGICAL RELEASE IN NUDISM.

KEYNOTE: The escape from bondage to social inhibitions and a reliance upon the wisdom of the body.

This I suggest is the gnosis of Mary Magdalene- High priestess; once we accept that we are the Temple, that our bodies are a bio- mystical experience of inner alchemy, the light of that truth shines so powerfully that any man-made laws and rules that impede sacred connection to Source dies in the dust of its own soulless sway. Likewise, connections where disrespect, dishonour, absence of love, abuse or any other low vibrational experience cannot thrive in the Magdalene/Christ frequency.

While the old empire crumbles, a new earth, a sacred child is being birthed out of the cosmic alembic, through the sacred union of masculine and feminine.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. L.S.M.

    As always Beautifully written dear Karen…so enjoyable reading your astrological writing and perfect mention of the alembic transformation. The cup of beaker created by Mary the Jewess or Maria Prophetissima. love your knowledge and research!

    much love ,



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