Lately I have noticed a few posts about the evils of AI; while I am not exactly an advocate myself, I also recognise that all of us- almost all of us- have contributed to its development.
Have we not spent the past couple of decades bearing our soul to the machine, describing every nuanced experience on the inner and outer planes and documenting our physical and spiritual journeys to be logged, processed, turned into an algorithm and packaged back to us in slick and seductive ways? Not to mention the tracking techniques of the virtual eye that is constantly watching our online activity for marketing and other nefarious purposes.
Granted, an imposed incarceration on a global scale did little to boost our resistance particularly as strong emotions like fear and anger were so prevalent. Now there’s talk of another lockdown, this time to save the planet instead of each other. Did we not lament how grief stricken and angry we feel at the destruction of the planet? Yes, we did, and it was noted and used in ways that many suspect is not solely in the interest of saving the planet.
AI may not be our friend, but we have certainly befriended it.
Did we believe that the sensitive hues of our unfolding soul glorified in our unique tapestry for all the world to see would not be bought and sold… as every great work of art has been.
The problem is that our ego gets in the way; we want to be seen and known for who we are and are only too willing to bear our soul as a plea for recognition …this is a very real human need but as with many intrinsic human needs it is vulnerable to manipulation.
Sharing of information tentative or bold creates a collage, a signature, of who we are. We created it ourselves and were encouraged to do so from the day we were born… we learned to prefer this and not that; be this or that way inclined; we are known to react in certain ways in certain situations; we have a favourite colour, music, food, holiday destination, dream job (what do you want to be when you grow up?). We are an exquisite composite of opinions, preferences, and beliefs. Cultural repitition keeps it all in place as we hang on to our constructed identity. As the outer identity takes primacy the inner truth often suffers.
An aside- could it be that our culturally ingrained fear of the feminine and her erratic ways has to do with not being able to easily pin her down.
In our “talk show” culture we have learned to bear all… streakers on the playing fields of a brave new world. We have an image of who we think we are or who we want to be, and now (if we choose) we can create an AI persona and appearance to project to the world. I am guessing that some people feel more comfortable with this artificial persona than who they really are… and I know we do it just for kicks too.
We complain that we are being controlled. That the-powers-that-be are micromanaging every aspect of our lives, body, soul and mind… maybe they are… and maybe we let them. It has always been a trade-off.
After centuries of a rationalist materialist and secular world where we have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves to the affairs of the world above our own soul, our inner connection has diminished. Many of us do not know how to reignite our light. I am reminded of the indigenous tribes who forgot how to make fire.
We are cascading down the virtual highway at an alarming speed, but no one is going to put the brakes on for us. We have let ourselves be known and someone has our number but that’s not the full story…
Never let anybody steal your golden apples- I wrote this a couple of years ago and while it sounds a bit cryptic, all it really means is protect your essence.
Tomorrow the Gemini Full Moon is conjuncts Mars. This could be a time to contemplate how to use our libido and warrior energy for a purpose higher than fighting an enemy that always seems to be one step ahead. The sacred warrior is a master of energy while the front-line soldier has no choice but to be in constant attack and defence mode. We can all step back from the front-line if we choose.
Also figuring in the full moon chart is Black Moon Lilith conjunct Pallas- Athena which speaks to me of hidden wisdom. Lilith will never be fully accepted and understood in the worldly world of daylight and solar consciousness, she operates behind the veil and on the dark side of the moon. In her alliance with Pallas- Athena she has at her disposal the laws and power of the world and can operate successfully under the light of the Sun. Athena may have been birthed through the head of her father Zeus but she wears on her aegis the head of Medusa.
The symbols of Athena are the spear and shield showing that she is a warrior goddess and is also protected. Her totem animal is the Owl which is also how Lilith is depicted. The Owl is hidden wisdom, or wisdom of the unseen worlds; combining these things is a powerful weapon to navigate the seen and unseen worlds.
Receiving the full light of the Sun (solar consciousness), and reflecting that light to the Earth, the Sabian symbol for the Sun’s degree is 17 Sagittarius and speaks of “Collective Rebirth”.
“The culturally stimulated longing for group participation in a process of rebirth.”
The danger is that rather than participate in a process of collective rebirth (which begins with the individual) people currently feel so pushed and pressed that they may agree to an enforced new world order.
While it seems that we may not have any choice in the mechanics of the outer world we do have self-authority and an Inner Kingdom which no one, man or machine, can capture unless we let them.