The full Moon on Friday 12th August at 02.36 GMT at 19 Aquarius 21’ is the final supermoon of the year…the moon whispers her secrets in our ear as she comes in close to the Earth.
Carried on the wings of Mary as She ascends onto Her Heavenly throne (The Assumption of Mary, 15th August) the message is one of peace.
Something has been accomplished in the realm of spirit even while here on the human realm we may still be catching up.
The sabian symbol for the lunar degree is PHASE 320: (AQUARIUS 20°): A LARGE WHITE DOVE BEARING A MESSAGE.
KEYNOTE: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained, and victorious individual efforts.
The Divine is totally “present” in the heart of all true victories.
What the “message” is depends on the particular situation, but the white dove always signifies peace; at the very heart of this peace is the CERTIFICATION of individual worth and victory.
The Dove symbolism connects auspiciously to this lunar illumination and Assumption, as both Mary and Venus have associations with the Dove.
In the full Moon chart, asteroid Magdalena is at the apex of a Yod aspect pattern- Yod is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is known as “The Finger of God”. There is a cosmically ordained fate at work.
Just as Mary the Virgin Mother is assumed into heaven an act which was officially recognised in 1950, Mary Magdalene once demonised as sinner and prostitute is rightfully acknowledge by the Catholic Church in 2016 by upgrading her memorial day to a feast day.
One of four Marian dogmas, The Assumption of the Virgin marks the journey of Mary, once her earthly life has finished and She is taken into heaven to be crowned “Queen of Heaven”.
The Assumption offers a living mythology and a symbolic revelation, it flows in and through us as a psychic reality regardless of the literality of the event which incites so much discussion in scholarly circles.
One way to approach the symbolism of the Assumption is:
The Virgin (whole unto herself) is lifted (Assumption) into the kingdom of Heaven (divine consciousness).
With the full Moon conjunct Saturn a degree of seriousnes is indicated; we are being guided to take responsibility for our habituated and unexamined behaviours, to break old limiting stories and look toward a self-sovereign state.
In a square with Uranus, the energy of change, liberation, and awakening is available even while there may be actual or perceived threats to our security- change is rarely smooth. However, the tension between Saturn and Uranus has been going throughout 2021 with the last exact hit on December 2021.
As we let go of old restrictive forms of security the possibility for a more authentic reality is possible.
The dark goddess offers guidance and support in walking the path to liberation which at times can be shattering; Dark Maid Lilith as priestess of the Dark Queen makes her presence felt next to Venus in a close conjunction on the full Moon and an exact conjunction on Assumption day.
Aspects of Lilith are also involved with the Magdalena Yod- Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith (true) in a sextile with Kaali/Mars/Uranus, and both of these forming an inconjunction to Magdalena. The energy of Magadalena is realised through Lilith, and Kaali/Mars/Uranus.
Through developing inner vision to see the dark side of the Moon as it relates to an essential feminine, and with a harmonious and creative relationship with a powerful sacred masculine (Kaali/Mars/Uranus), the divine feminine may be realised and take her rightful place thus allowing for restoration.
We see this motif also in the Grail myth through the maidens of the Maidens of the Well who transgressed and degraded, are held captive by the shadow masculine. It is the sacred masculine that will redeem the maidens and restore the land.
The Black Madonna who is known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth, transcends duality as a generative (solar and lunar) feminine power who accords with the cycles of the Earth and the Cosmos guides us to come into harmony with nature within and without, which in reality is the same.
If Mother Mary is the Immaculate conception, Queen of Heaven, the Black Madonna is the fecund, fertile “Queen of Heaven and Earth” who is not separate from the darkness or light or from Earth or Heaven and has integrated the Sun & Moon. She is the bridge between distinctions of duality that have caused humanity to separate form their divine nature and in so doing have separated from the body of the living Mother and the divine nature within.
Introduced to Christianity through the Knights Templar, the Black Madonna shows that we cannot be reunited with Christ (the divine) without accepting that Christ is also within matter, in us and in the living Mother Earth. What has been cast out must also be included as God… I hear the beating wings of Lilith… and Lucifer.
The Lilith Venus conjunction over the period from the full Moon to Assumption points to the need to integrate the exiled feminine and the idealized feminine and to know a truer more essential version not just of the feminine but of humanity. It also points to a deeper awareness of the Earth as a divine sentient being.
As Jungian analyst Ean Begg writes, “The Black Virgin is a Christian phenomenon as well as a preservation of the ancient goddesses and compensates for the one-sided conscious attitudes of the age.”
Like the Hindu goddess Kali, the Black Madonna is the ever-loving Mother even while she destroys- she destroys illusions, untruths, and rampant egos hell bent on separation. Her destruction is divine in accordance with spiritual laws, not man-made laws that have become separated from these laws. She destroys in order to renew, and she asks us to look within and surrender what is not the truth of our being.
While Mars continues in a conjunction with the lunar north node, Uranus and asteroid Kaali, the male polarity is also being renewed.
A more authentic masculine and a more authentic feminine gives way to a sacred marriage in which the devastation we have witnessed between the sexes may finally lose sway. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the world and on the Earth- as within so without.
In his book Mammon and the Black Goddess, Robert Graves says,
“The Black Goddess is so far hardly more than a word of hope whispered among the few who have served their apprenticeship to the White Goddess. She promises a new pacific bond between men and women, corresponding to final reality of love, in which the patriarchal marriage bond will fade away.”
Integrating Lilith, blending her with Venus, the idealised feminine is not easy for in that we face our shame, rage, and our own unacknowledged darkness, however it is the path of power. Once we have integrated and reckoned with the parts of ourselves that have acted unconsciously, they no longer control us, and we are freed from drinking from empty wells and from wastelands.
Mary Magdalene the woman who faced all of these things and still walked the path to wear her crown in heaven is testament to what is possible.
The Magdalene I feel is a living symbol of the Black Madonna, a beautiful integration of the human and divine- Queen of Heaven and Earth- an emanation of Sophia, the feminine face of God who merges with matter.