I’ve been exploring asteroid Lucifer in charts where the placement in strong. When looking at Sinead O’Conner’s chart I saw that Lucifer is in an exact conjunction with Uranus at 24 ° Virgo. That is a double whammy of Promethean-like boldness… verging on hubris.
The image of her standing on that stage ripping up the image of Pope John Paul II shows beautifully her Uranus Luciferian renegade soul. The conjunction is in her 9th House in Virgo which intensifies the vibration even further- the 9th house, place of spirituality and religious beliefs in Virgo, the Virgin, She who is whole unto herself.
On the night in question, Jupiter was conjunct her Lucifer/Uranus conjunction amplifying the energy to levels that may have been too much for a mortal soul to handle. It was a thoroughly archetypal event. Although I am not sure Sinead regretted what she did, later in a public statement she said she shouldn’t have done it.
In moments like this it does seem as if one person who is made from exactly the right ingredients performs an act of the gods. While they themselves are punished, like Prometheus they bring back fire, so that the rest of us can see in the dark.
This image was taken by Albert Watson in the same city where the Pope incident happened and in the same year… not sure if it was taken before or after.