In my last blog I spoke about the healing opportunity that Dark Moon Lilith (22-degrees of Capricorn) conjunct Pluto (24-degrees of Capricorn) brings this new moon. I also highlighted the conjunction between Black Moon Lilith (1-degree of Aries), and Chiron (3-degrees of Aries).
In this blog-also about the February new moon- I want to focus on another powerful aspect: Saturn conjunct Chariklo at 27-degrees of Capricorn.
The stellium in Capricorn on Sunday 23 February looks like this-
Dark Moon Lilith 22 Capricorn
Pluto 24 Capricorn
Chariklo 27 Capricorn
Saturn 27 Capricorn
While Pluto Lord of the underworld (unconscious) has managed to catch wild wind spirit Lilith and taken her to his lair, Chariklo, the graceful spinner infuses the scene with a touch of feminine divinity and old man Saturn, Lord of karma over-sees the whole affair.
Quite a play on the cosmic stage as these powerful archetypal energies take their respective positions in the unveiling of the next lunar cycle.
Step forward Dark Moon Lilith-
In my previous blog I wrote about DML representing the exiled parts of us that have become split off from our core self. She is the rejected part of our feminine nature that can cause all sorts of havoc while she is unacknowledged and unintegrated. The wild one out beyond the bounds of civilised convention and social niceties, she terrorises the fantasies of men and refuses any form of submission.
Depending on where she is located in our natal chart DML can act out in any number of dangerous or ‘bad’ ways causing destruction to ourselves and those around us- or it may be where we carry the collective or family shadow or are scapegoated in some way. Lilith in us is most noticeable to others in her Dark Moon aspect and they may see this in us even while we ourselves are blind.
As elusive and untameable as she is DML is no match for Pluto- for no one, not even the most ardent renegade can escape his deathly clutches. Erupting through the barren crust of Lilith’s playground-a desert somewhere out beyond the Red Sea- he has abducted Lilith and taken her to Hades for a thorough stripping and alchemical cooking in the fires of the underworld.
Sinking down through the layers of the psyche Pluto shines a light on the dark side of the moon exposing all that has previously been hidden. This may reveal why Lilith has been raging for so long. “What ails thee dark queen?”.
Let me just say at this point- to imagine that Lilith is going to be appeased or pacified by a positive affirmation or week long forgiveness retreat is foolish and unwise- no amount of new age tricks and by-passing will allay her desolation, no amount of psychotherapeutic rationalism will explain her torment, and forgiveness is futile while the flames of her rage rip through the white-washed buildings of patriarchy.
Dark Moon Lilith is the receptacle of millennia of abuse against the feminine. Someone said it best when she said- “You can’t keep the goddess in the basement for thousands of years with duck-tape over her mouth and expect her to be smiling when she is released. Right! Nor should we expect her to be wearing Max Factor lipstick or sport a nice hairdo. Indeed, she’s not going to be in the least bit civilised. Similarly, if and when Lilith gives up her wilderness abode and crosses the boundary back into Civyy street, she’s unlikely to uphold any codes of moral conduct or etiquette imposed to enable a safe life of denial- for Lilith more than anything demands authenticity.
When someone begins to integrate their Dark Moon Lilith, the nice, pleasing person you thought you knew and loved may cast off her coat of chain mail and liberate herself into the naked truth. As the links of oppression and denial clink to the floor one by one, depending on where you are on your own Lilith journey (radical authenticity) you might turn for the hills and run. But Lilith has so much to show us if we can stand the heat. Lilith is in fact the guardian of our heart for once she is liberated, all that has previously obscured and blocked our connection to our heart (our wounds) falls away and there is nothing left but truth- and maybe in the end the only truth is love.
I am sure everyone has a Lilith story to greater or lesser degrees- and this is probably the degree to which the ‘Lilith Lines’ run through our tribal and family histories, expressed as ancestral or inter-generational trauma.
In the realm of Lilith, we are not only dealing with our own personal story of rejection, scapegoating, denial, or abuse, it is the point where we tap into the whole story of corruption of the feminine… it’s going to hurt.
Exposing and facing the wound of Lilith is not easy and because of this she continues to be locked in exile from one generation to another until finally someone in the family field is able to witness and release her.
But beneath Lilith’s rage and demonic ways is a soft and very vulnerable part that has never felt safe enough to show herself.
Pluto conjunct Dark Moon Lilith opens a gateway into these depths, though I would say if this is the journey you are currently on it would be wise to find some good and trustworthy support for yourself.
And…fear not…there is a point of redemption!
Chariklo, the female centaur and wife of Chiron offers her healing balm at this time. Exactly conjunct Saturn at 27-degrees Capricorn, and so also conjunct Pluto and DML, Chariklo brings a higher perspective of the painful human dynamics we find, or have found, ourselves in.
When we can raise ourselves above the never-ending drama of our lives to see the bigger picture and free ourselves from the conditioning and self-sabotaging beliefs we inherited or have carried forward, we may see that every difficult relationship, or dysfunctional behaviour facilitated our break-through from the imprisonment of the mind.
Like her husband Chiron, Chariklo shows us that what we previously considered as our wounds or curses are in the end a gift- and what Chariklo ultimately offers is the gift of love.
Fortunately, Chariklo stays close to both Pluto and Saturn through the conjunction right up until 2022. This really is a blessing- tuning into the qualities of Chariklo might just save us from suffocating in the chasms of duality- right/wrong, good/evil which leads to further separation and illusion. Forgiveness is needed but forgiveness can’t just be magicked into existence with a course in CBT- these roots run deep.
And what of Saturn taking account of all this melodrama? For me his role in this is two-fold:
First, he insists on asking us to account for how all of this translates in the real world- the here and now, and the day-to day reality of our existence. He may be asking us to create strong boundaries, to call time on a particular relationship, to finally set in motion the concrete things needed to execute a plan, or he may confront us with our human limitations.
On the other hand, issues of karma may be surfacing at this time as we contemplate why we find ourselves in the same situations over and over again. Why do we keep on attracting the same dynamics in our relationships, financial situations, health?
Karmic relationships have a way of appearing in our life to help us re-connect our relationship to ourselves and to Source. They show us how to untangle from toxic and damaging behaviours that keep us split off and disconnected… just like Lilith in the wilds.
Ultimately, it is never about the other person- we are but actors in each other’s play, holding up the mirror and showing, sometimes through the most unendurable pain, where we have turned our back on God- or Goddess- or any other term for the ineffable mystery that we may just glimpse on surrendering our need to be right, or to know, or to always be in control.
In a way Dark Moon Lilith is the place of unrelenting control that will stop at nothing before total destruction… if she remains unacknowledged.
Oh, but that’s a tough step- it’s really hard to accept the shadow in oneself. Really, we would much rather show ourselves as competent, in control, sophisticated and light filled beings- no one wants the mess. But let’s face it, don’t we keep spilling the mess into our lives anyway, leaving to varying degrees trail of destruction- whether that be on the personal or collective level?
This is where the relationship between Lilith and Saturn is important- until we heal our deepest wounds, we will naturally keep on manifesting them in order to finally understand them.
This Post Has 2 Comments
Lol! I literally have Pluto conjunct Dark Moon Lilith!
Natal BML 17 Libra / Pluto 20 Libra (sextile Neptune Sag and NN Leo) As it’s progressed, now at 41 They are Conjunct at 22 Libra (semi-sextile Uranus/Sco and Moon/Vir)
I’d love to know your thoughts on this configuration and how it weaves into the current Jup/Sat Aquarius Cycle. It’s something. I’m not what though. But your knowledge is outstanding! Helping weave these complex patterns that speak to ancestral patterns and the feminine warrior alive in reality to slice through (swords-air) to the truth, or ruthlessly fearless in pursuit of, upon our feminine path ❤️
Here we (and Me! Lol) are again….This time with Venus!!! While BML is Squaring Neptune in Pisces (creating T-Sq w/ Nep-Sag 1979/80 Gen) Expect the time for Bonds to be Made or Broken, as The Realism is seeping into what no longer can be held in one’s own Delusions (Nep-Cap Generations assists)
Its either LOVE ME or BLOCK ME Time until beginning of March!! Do you agree?! Would be interested in your revisit from then until now;)