Chiron in Aries: Reclaiming the Self in a Time of Awakening is a group for the Chiron in Aries generation- born between 2 April 1968 – 29th March 1977
Chiron entered into Aries in April 2018 and will stay there until April 2027. This means that some of the Chiron in Aries group will already have had their Chiron return while many others will be having theirs now or within the next 6 years.
Even if you have just had your Chiron return it would be wonderful if you could share your insights with the group. Being part of the group will also help you integrate and make sense of your personal experience.
Chiron in Aries people can be very spirited and pioneering… often referred to as trailblazers. Chiron teaches us how to work creatively with our Mars energy.
Known as ‘The Wounded Healer’ on account of being shot in the leg by a poisonous arrow, Chiron’s attempts to heal himself led him on a journey where he in fact becomes a master healer, teaching the art of healing to Asclepius, god of medicine.
Chiron’s original wound however happened at birth when upon seeing that he was half human half horse, his mother Philyra rejected him. When Chiron is in Aries the search for identity predominates as we attempt to find and reclaim the parts of ourselves that were, or that we perceived as having been rejected.
When Chiron returns to his natal point in our horoscope at age 49- 51, we receive a powerful opportunity to heal those early wounds and step into our authenticity and wholeness.
Chiron is attuned to the qualities of Mars as Warrior and Initiator and shows us how to cross the bridge between the personal and the transpersonal realms to connect with our higher selves.
Chiron can awaken us to our purpose in the world and help us to express our unique gifts… Chiron’s healing is both for and beyond ourselves.
Collectively we are at a critical juncture and the return of the Sacred Warrior is much needed in these changing times.
The Chironian journey is not an easy one however if we are to become the fullest most integrated version of ourselves and express that in the world it is a crossing we must make.
Working with the support, wisdom, and knowledge of fellow travellers can help greatly during this time.
This 7-week course begins on Monday 12 April on the new moon in Aries and will run until Monday 24 May.
Sessions take place every Monday evening at 6.30 PM – 8.30 GMT.
Additional reading is encouraged though not obligatory.
Notes will be provided.
Natal Charts can be sent to participants.
Cost is £80
Payment may be made to the following PayPal account-
Meeting are via Zoom-
You can join this group through Meetup, or you can contact me through this website on the contact form, or email karen@redspiral.co.uk