Chiron goes retrograde- “What ails thee?”

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The Fisher King by Leonora Carrington, 1961
The Fisher King by Leonora Carrington.

Yesterday I wrote about the Grail, about connecting with our uniqueness on our journey toward individuation or soul making. Our uniqueness is a blend of our gifts, talents, wounds, and woes…

Chiron teaches us to recognise that our wounds may also be our greatest gifts.

When Chiron goes retrograde- as it does from today until mid-December- our core wounds may be felt more acutely however the opportunity is to discover new ways to transform them.

Archetypally Chiron can be explored through the myth of the Fisher King from the Grail legends- while the king is wounded the land lays in waste; redemption comes when Parzival, the young knight finally has the nous to ask the question, “what ails thee”. Failing to ask this question prevents healing of the wounded King and the wasteland. Asking the question requires nothing less than absolute willingness to face the truth.

In terms of psychology asking ourselves that same question “what ails thee” is the key to our healing. Chiron asks us to face our deepest pain so that we might know it. Knowing it is not necessarily the same as healing it, rather Chiron encourages us to transmute the wound so that we are no longer disabled by it… and then claim it as a power.

Chiron teaches us to not only bear our cross but in doing so to help others to overcome their own afflictions by being a living light in the face of adversity. In this way Chiron as the Shaman archetype is often equated with Christ.

In the gospel of St. Luke, Jesus says,

“Whosoever does not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

In the Chiron journey of reclamation, we become our own hero or heroine. Once we have reclaimed ourselves, we let go of the people, situations, circumstances, limitations, and voices of contempt that rejected, disrespected, or tried to change us, and stand firm in the truth of who we are. Or we develop a new relationship with them.

I am available for astrology consultations to explore how Chiron operates in your chart/life.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Marie Rose Star

    Beautiful 🌹

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