Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, and the Coronavirus

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Yesterday’s new moon in Aries highlights a theme of primal impulses, instinctual awareness (and instinctual wounding), as well as returning feminine consciousness, and body mind integration.

With the sun and moon at 4 degrees of Aries accompanied by a close conjunction with Chiron at 5 degrees and Black moon Lilith at 6 degrees, this lunar cycle (and the coronavirus) offers an opportunity to bring our instinctual wisdom back on-line. And let’s face it, with all the heady deluge of information -often conflicting information- our rational minds have been sent into a frenzy of confusion. But there is another place from which to draw wisdom- our bodies.

Mars is the natural ruler of Aries and as concentrated desire including the desire for incarnation, our instincts-though a bit damaged and wild from repression- may show us what we truly need and desire at this time. Mars is associated with primal forces such as raw anger, desire, passion, and sexuality. In its intensified expression it can be narcissistic, aggressive and even violent. As well as being a god of war, Mars is also a fertility and vegetative god and thus capable of expressing the mysterious forces of nature therein. Essentially Mars is primal power and seeks to manifest that which it desires… sometimes through sheer brute force.

In this new moon pattern, Mars (25 degrees of Capricorn) is also powerfully echoed in tight conjunction to Pluto at (24 Capricorn), and Jupiter (23 Capricorn).

The signature of instincts in the new moon chart reflects the necessity for engaging with our inner knowing and basic awareness born from an innate sense of what is important at this time. These inner stirrings will make themselves known to varying degrees of consciousness though it is not necessarily through the conditioned ego and the rational mind that this information reaches us. In a rare opportunity to silence the overactive, over controlling mind of societal protocol-and if we can tear ourselves away form the onslaught of panic driven information-we might just touch in with the still silent voice of our deeper knowing.

What surfaces could very well get messy as a critical mix of fear, uncertainty, and insecurity contained in the pressure cooker of being locked down with family, friends and lovers, reaches boiling point. Sudden eruptions could break free from the usual well controlled psychic structures, causing shockwaves and disruption to the usual flow of interpersonal relationships. These outbursts may intensify as old Chironic wounds surface forcing us to acknowledge psychic material buried under layers of ‘normal’ daily life.

The Chiron wound is a wound of the instincts- often it is initiated in childhood when we are forced to deny our primal nature in favour of a more socially acceptable personality. Like an untamed horse the unintegrated instincts gallop through our inner landscapes in a constant bid to overcome the primacy of the ego.

The original wound of Chiron is constellated when he is rejected by his mother on account of his appearance. Abandoned by her shortly after birth Chiron becomes the foster son of Apollo who tutors him in many noble skills and crafts. The second wound of Chiron occurs when he is accidentally pierced by the spear of Hercules which has been dipped in the blood of the Learnean Hydra, the many headed serpent that cannot be slain until Hercules defeats her in his second labour.

This detail in the story of Hercules’ conquest of the Hydra is important in the myth of Chiron… while it is Hercules that causes the wound of Chiron it is also Hercules who sets him free by convincing Zeus to allow Chiron to trade places with the Titan hero and trickster Prometheus. This godly sanctioned trade-off facilitates the end of Chiron’s suffering as he is released form his immortal status.

The theme of snake medicine as pharmakon- the power to heal and the power to destroy is seen when Hercules both injures and redeems Chiron. In our own lives, Chiron in our birth chart by house and by sign may describe the nature of our wound, the poison and also the cure… and we discover that they are very often one in the same.

Could this be the medicine of the coronavirus? Many have speculated that what in the first instance appeared as a terrifying crisis for humanity also offers healing as perception shifts from one of fear to a heightened sense of awareness and responsibility.

Ultimately Chiron is the reintegration of our instincts and our conscious mind- not only bringing previously buried material to consciousness but also releasing instinctual awareness through the body thereby rebooting our inner knowing and guidance. In this respect Chiron and Black Moon Lilith carry a similar medicine- BML is also involved with the redemptive processes of releasing previously trapped psychic material and power from bondage. In the case of BML her healing comes from the reintegration of a particularly feminine pattern of consciousness directly linked with instinctual awareness, intuition and the ability to mediate the transference of energy between self and other, self and environment, and self and cosmos. Both BML and Chiron are masters of what may loosely be termed the ‘bio mystica’l process, that is the filtering of spirit through the world of matter thereby becoming agents of spirit in action.

Bringing it back to the coronavirus, questions to ask this lunar cycle may include-

What is it that weakens our immune system leaving us vulnerable to invasion? For sure, an early trauma and Chiron- like wounds that remain acknowledged lowers our resistance either through a weakened nervous system and/or repeated patterns and cycles of the original wound as the soul attempts to heals itself.

On the collective level, one question might be, what is it that humanity needs to bridge between the personal and collective at this time? Also, the human/ divine; unconscious/ conscious; heaven/earth… after all Chiron is also known as the Rainbow Bridge positioned as it is between Saturn and the outer planets.

And for our individual journey of healing… where is your Chiron wound, how conscious of it are you, and how can the cause also be the cure?

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