Aquarius Full Moon: A New Dance

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Dancing in Rosslyn Glen- Karen Mullen Smith ©
Dancing in Rosslyn Glen- Karen Mullen Smith © Photo Credit Ricky Evans.

The August super blue moon chart shows a powerful conjunction involving dwarf planets Ceres; Ixion; and Quaoar, and asteroid Pholus which are all in Capricorn between 3- 8°. Given that the north lunar node is at 8 ° Aries, and the south lunar node is at 8 ° Libra, this powerful stellium is square to the nodal axis, highlighting an aspect of our collective karma. The square is applying to the south node in Libra which from an evolutionary astrology perspective indicates the reviewing of a skipped step in our collective evolution.

The Sun at 27 ° Leo 15’ is in a close conjunction with Vesta at 27 ° Leo 33’. The Sun is at the apex of a Yod (finger of God) involving Neptune at 29 °, Pisces, and Pluto at 0 ° Aquarius. This aspect pattern reinforces a sense of something fated; that Neptune and Pluto are involved is indicative of spiritual transformation. Pluto in Aquarius speaks to global transformation and profound shifts affecting humanity, particularly in civil and humanitarian rights.

Neptune at the anaretic degree of Pisces offers release of distorted expressions of Neptune, such as escapism, and illusion, and allows for  a fuller spectrum  of Neptune. A higher polarity of Neptune is made possible after a dissolution of egoic states that are willing to escape reality, compromise authenticity, and deny responsibility for negative actions.

Ceres the Earth Mother and keeper of alchemical wisdom calls us Home, back into right relationship with the Earth and ourselves through her fructifying and vivifying processes while Pholus catalyses the process further in a moment of “Kairos”, or divine timing where ‘the lid comes off’. What was previously contained is now surfacing into the collective, possibly causing chaos for a time while a new way is worked out. Whether this containment was natural or held by illusion is yet to be revealed, and possibly it’s a bit of both.

Ixion in the mix, only a few degrees from the Ceres Pholus conjunction is a reminder of what can happen when we are overtaken by lower impulses and vices such as greed, gluttony, and lust. Through Ixion’s trickery and violation of Hera-the divine feminine-the centaur race is born. The dishonouring of the feminine is further evidenced by Ixion’s refusal to pay the correct price for his bride. Except for Chiron and Pholus, the centaurs are a bawdy race of brutish half men, half horse who are unable to show restraint and are easily incited into violence and chaos.

Quaoar, the mystical creator god at 8 ° Capricorn heralds a new beginning through the cosmic dance, and nature’s creative force. Quaoar and Ceres I imagine, although from different cosmologies, make excellent dance partners.

What has been waiting in the wings for a rebirth, or rather, what was missed in a previous time of our human evolution that may now be ready to be integrated?

Vesta, divine purpose and sacred calling, condenses energy to a point of single focus. Amplified in the spiritual light of the Sun, energy is being pulled inward to the spiritual core, to our spiritual core, necessitating the need to release anything superfluous or distracting. Vesta takes us into our own spiritual sun.

The Sabian symbol for the degree of the Sun reinforces Vesta’s message-

PHASE 148 (LEO 28°): MANY LITTLE BIRDS ON A LIMB OF A BIG TREE. KEYNOTE: A wide, and perhaps confusing, openness to a multiplicity of inspiring potentialities.

There is a stage in the spiritual life — which is not different from the everyday life — during which the consciousness, aspiring to greater realizations or more impressive forms of self-expression, feels itself flooded with new ideas and new possibilities. This can be very exciting, yet also quite confusing. It becomes necessary to focus oneself by limiting one’s field of vision and activity.

The opportunity of this full moon is to let go of illusionary distractions. Also possible is release of the fear-based ego that through its disconnection from source seeks to fill the gap by any means that numbs the pain of existence, with no regard for consequence. A New Earth is dawning, a new dance is forming. Having been pulled far from the Earth, Her cycles, and Her sustenance, in an age of dematerialisation, the energy now turns in and down after our explorations of up and out. A rebalance is underway and a tension is released.

The meaning of this powerful stellium in Capricorn is amplified by the south lunar node pointing us in the direction of the missed stitch that now needs sewn into the creation of our human tapestry.

The Sabian Symbol for the south lunar node is



KEYNOTE: The need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society.


There are always moments which focus in our minds the longing to re-ground ourselves in the great achievements of the past. The number 3 suggests completeness; esoteric traditions speak of the three-fold Soul, or of three fundamental “Rays” — of Power, of Love-Wisdom, and of Intelligence-in-action. Meditation, in its deepest sense, is a return to Source — an attempt to re-identify oneself with one’s archetypal essence of being, which is triune in manifestation, and now) after confused but challenging wanderings, to identify oneself consciously with this “essence.” The finer forms of one’s culture provide the means to do this. The great moments of the collective past become an inspiration for new, yet sound, beginnings. The seed of tomorrow salutes the seed of yesteryear.


At this fourth stage of the thirty-eighth sequence, it is suggested that in the process of “Transfiguration” the presence of the greatest moments of the past is called upon, as Moses and Elijah were invoked in Jesus’ Transfiguration. The seed of the new day depends upon the seed of yesteryear for an experience of the cyclic continuity of spirit. This is the basis for the institutionalized ideal of APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, the guruampara (an uninterrupted chain of gurus) of Indian tradition.

If the process of Transfiguration, meaning, a great change of form or appearance, especially a change that beautifies, glorifies, or makes more spiritual, has been disrupted, we may now be entering a great untangling that clears the way and sets us back on course.

On a personal level, reviewing where we need to place our attention is under review as is a candid look at ego drives that prevent us from birthing a new dance.

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