Aquarian Woman- The Higher Love

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Image by Tashina Suzuki

The next new moon is on Friday 24 January, at 21.42 GMT when the Sun & Moon are positioned at 4 degrees of Aquarius.

The sabian symbol for this degree reads:


KEYNOTE: The Root foundation of past performances which power and sustain whatever decision is made in a crisis by an individual.

The whole past of mankind stands behind any individual effort, especially in times of critical decisions.”

By the end of this year we will see Jupiter and Saturn moving into the zodiacal sign of Aquarius heralding another major shift in consciousness- in this case from the element of earth to air- a new breath of reason blowing into the stale fibres of structures that have now outlived their purpose. Perhaps we realise that the shelter we have previously held on so tightly too is in fact a pale shelter, unsustainable and imprisoning rather than safe and protective. What have we been holding onto? What are we ready to shake off in a bid for more freedom?

The many shifts of this time are preparing the way for the epochal move into the age of Aquarius which is well underway and will begin to take shape in approx. 150 years. We know from intergenerational trauma, family constellations, and the science of epigenetics that we are influenced by our ancestors from at least 4 generations before. It even states in the bible-

“Keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:7-

The decisions we are making now, the clear sightedness with which we are able to view the lay of the land; the joining of heart & mind; reason & instinct will lay the foundational bricks of the path that will lead us into the new age.

Social media and other channels of (dis) information appear as mighty forces in the manipulation of the human being at this time, pulling on weary heart strings and triggering the pain of our own unacknowledged wounds which are then projected onto the world stage. Can we stand back from this, and still with profound love and compassion, still fully connected to our humanity, cleanse the doors of perception and rise above the distortions peddled by forces that would manipulate the vulnerabilities of the human heart?

Can we reconnect body & soul; Heaven & earth, realising both our power and divinity and our humanness?

Aquarius, the water bearer symbolises the ability to carry water but is not the water. Water is the healing balm, the elixir of life. In our human experience, water is connected to the emotions. When we can master our emotions, that is bear them, and even bear the emotions of others, but are not consumed by them, the empathy and healing that we can offer ourselves and others is nothing less than the gateway to love.

It is not to shut off from emotions and feelings, rather it to see these human experiences as sacred portals into the truth of our being, and to find it in others. This is the key to healing, staying conscious in the depths of feeling, not judging but understanding the gift of integrating the whole spectrum of human life. It is the bridge between the human and divine realm, what we may think of as grace.

This consciousness keeps us fully connected in the world, administers of love and understanding without getting lost in sentimentality and the manipulation of emotive tactics to draw on our heart strings and the lower mind.

Here, there is no need to get lost in the mire of overwhelming emotions that can lead us to check out an escape what we consider too painful to bear.

In this we can step into the new age like phoenixes from the ashes, not transcended from earth and matter but fully embodied, fully cognisant, human divine, with celestial winds blowing through our higher mind and lifting our spirit.


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